Can You Save Me?

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(This will switch from Jimin's thoughts to Yoongi's)

Little backstory

Jimin had always been alone. He was born in a shelter, but no one wanted him. He didn't know why he thought people liked puppies? They would go through all of the new puppies except...he stayed.

Was it how he looked? Maybe it was his breed? He didn't know a lot about his parents, but he does know that his mother had beautiful silky blond ears and tail. He never meet his dad, but from what his mom had briefly told him he was tall and had pointed blackish grey ears and a long tri-colored tail. Jimin though about his friend Hoseok who was a husky hybrid, maybe that's what breed his dad was, but then why did no one want him? Hoseok was adopted fast, and he wasn't even a puppy! So why not him?

His cream ears stood tall and straight out of his blonde hair and his tail that held a hint of silver at the end curled in an ark on his back. His eyes stood out from all others. A blue eye and a silver eye. He was a small pup too, but he thought, "don't people like small cute thinks?" then he would just shake it off saying, "don't worry Jimin they just haven't noticed you yet," and he would attempt to stand out.

This never worked though. He thought that maybe if he just showed people, he was a fun loving puppy they would want him, but all he received were worried glances and hateful stares. He just didn't understand what was wrong with him. Why did people run away why didn't they want him how could he make them want him.

As he grew older, he started to understand. The age of 13 was when he first heard someone call him an animal. He didn't understand at first. He wasn't an animal he was a hybrid, a dog hybrid! Then he was called a savage, beast, monster, and last a rabid thing. Then rumors began to flutter around, and that's when he figured out what his dad was. A wolf hybrid. A rare specimen to be found, one could even say as rare as gold. There weren't many of them, and he was happy, at first, when he found out, but then grew to hate it.

People thought he was dangerous, and that he would snap at any moment. That was ridiculous to Jimin he would never. The staff had spread it around that there was a wild animal in there shelter and the police came looking for him. He was 18. He ran away that day. It was a cold November night, all he had were the clothes on him, and the heat from the tears left on his cheeks.

More present dayish sorry if this sucks btw lol

He thought he was going to die. It had been a few weeks of just wondering through the woods. He knew the police were still after him, he had come across a town and saw signs of him everywhere telling families to keep inside and stay safe because of some rabid beast that escaped. He had run as fast as he could from there and deeper in the woods. Now he was stumbling blindly through the trees. He was numb and kept stumbling as he passed a gate, though he didn't notice it. He was starving, the shelter he had once lived at for his entire life barely fed him anymore after knowing what he was, they didn't give him warm clothes so he was freezing and he was starting to feel dehydrated.

He heard a voice and panicked. Running as fast as he could, but feeling like he was getting nowhere. He exhaled a deep and heavy breath before his legs gave out and he collapsed unconscious in the snow that littered the ground in a thick sheet.

This is all over the place shesh with Yoongi

Min Yoongi, a 21-year-old wealthy and powerful man. One with many talents, and could have anything at the snap of his fingers. One would say he had it all, but there was one thing he was missing that he longed to have. A companion. Someone to spend his long and dreary days with.

There was no one. He was lonely, he could have any woman any man, but all they wanted him for was his money or the title of Min Yoongi the multi-billionaires significant other. No one wanted him for just him, they wanted something of his, and he wasn't for that life.

He owned what one would call a mansion, but what he liked to call a prison. It was a massive structure with a gothic architecture, in the style of a grey and black Victorian castle. His style. It was painfully quiet, you could breathe, and it would be heard on the other side of the mansion. He couldn't stand it.

This day he had been laying in his room, he had been in there for a few days in the same position when one of his cleaning maids came in and told him that she needed to clean, and he needed to get out of the house for some air. He thanked her and soon headed out. It was exceptionally cold this evening, so he made sure to dress warmly. As he made his way down the path cleared for him to go to his garage, and town, he veered off and started to head for the back gate leading to the woods. The Min Mansion was surrounded by a fence to keep intruders out. He took his keys from his pocket and grabbed hold of an old vintage looking key and stuck it through the lock twisting it carefully then pulling it out and pushing the old gate open. He planned to make it back to hopefully get something to eat as he started to feel a slight sensation of hunger when he came across a trail of footprints. They had no pattern, and his first thought was someone drunk was wandering through the woods. He sighed and trudged along after the prints and started to noticed the way that they looked like whoever made them had fallen a few times. It was like they were running, but from what? As he continued, he heard the sound of steps and looked up. At first, he was scared, he had no idea he what he had just seen, then it stumbled a bit, and he could see it clearly through the falling snow. It was a hybrid. But what was it doing out here? It looked like a dog hybrid, and those are well known for there loyalty so why would one be here? So he called out to it, but it looked back quickly and started to run. Well, it tried to run. It took a few quick steps stumbling a few times, and as Yoongi ran to it, it collapsed.

Yoongi sprinted to the hybrid and lifted it from the snow flipping it around and brushing all off the snow from its face. It was only in a long-sleeved shirt and shorts! What was it doing out here? As Yoongi looked to see its collar he froze. No collar no tags, which meant no owner. He looked at the hybrid now getting a good look at his features.

Silky blond hair, a clean jaw with slight chubby cheeks, cream ears, a sturdy looking build, shorter than him most definitely, and cute as hell.

Yoongi quickly started to take his coat off and wrapped it around the younger like a blanket, then lifting him up in his arms began to walk as fast as he could back to his heated house. He hoped he could attempt to warm his new findings, and possibly find out more about this adorable little hybrid he found wandering through his woods, on a cold winter evening.


Sorry if this sucked I want to try writing stories because I always have these really good ideas that I come up with and I plan everything out, and it's glorious then I just trash it because I'm like...PFFFFT THAT SUCKS ASS BRO, so I'm trying not to do that...and I'm a slut for Yoonmin, and this kind of storyline is cute (in my opinion) so WHY NOT RIGHT??!!???!? Also, this is like ALL over the place so sorry...

If you think that it didn't suck that bad vote for it if you want. Comments are vidunderlig; it helps me know what I should and shouldn't do. You can also tell me what you might want me to do in this story. I appreciate all comments hateful or helpful so...(please tell me if I made any grammatical or spelling errors those are so embarrassing).


Everything Is Going To Be Ok (Hybrid//Yoonmin)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat