Who Told You

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Yoongi's P.O.V

I gently walked over to the crying boy, with slow yet long steps to ensure that I got there quickly. He looked conflicted as I came towards him, then tried pushing himself to the wall. I noticed the glass that had broke and panic rushed at me as I watched him go to slide into the fallen shards. Before anyone had time to react, I had already run and picked the boy up so he wouldn't hurt himself.

Shocked he looked at me as well as I looked at him for a few seconds before struggling to get out of my grip whispering things I couldn't understand.

Without thinking I sternly spoke out, "quit moving now," and he froze.

I didn't know what to do so I gently placed him on my bed. I had not expected him to actually listen to me! I sat in front of him and put my hands lightly to his side's wanting to make him feel more secure. His head was hung low eyes trained somewhere else. I swallowed quickly before I asked, "What's your name," in a softer tone not wanting to make him afraid of me.

"Ji-jimin...P-park Jimin," he stuttered out. I hum and let my fingers glid down his unclothed thighs without thinking of my actions, "well Jimin," I say tilting his head up to look at me, "my name is Min Yoongi. Would you like to tell me what you were doing out in the cold wearing this," I said gesturing to his clothes.

I didn't want him to know that I already knew who he was for I had seen most of his information on the news. I wanted to hear his story.

"I...I r-ran away," was all he said as his tears slowly started to stop rolling from his cute pink tinted cheeks.

"Who did you run from," I said shooting my maids a look signaling for them to leave.

When he didn't answer, I asked again, "Jimin," hearing his name he looked up quickly his eyes wide with an emotion I couldn't grasp, "Who did you run from,"

He looked like he was struggling to answer and when he opened his mouth all that came out was a loud sob, and the boy was starting to cry again. It was terrifying me the way he would take a breath then start to cough. I hated it so without thinking I pulled his thighs towards me, as I was kneeling in front of my bed with his legs on either side of my waist, and wrapped my arms around his small frame.

Jimin's P.O.V

I don't know why I started to cry. Maybe it was because I was happy that the man was back? Or I was scared he would hurt me? No, he doesn't smell like he's mad.He started to walk towards me, and out of instincts, I began to push myself back against the wall as all eyes trained onto me. I was unaware of the fact that the loud shattering sound from earlier was a soft yellow floral vase, that I had so graciously sHoVeD myself Into. I was about to slid into the wall when I was suddenly in the air. I froze for a second not knowing what just happened then looking down...it was the man. I was happy at first then I thought, "what if he takes me back," afraid I start to struggle whispering and begging him not to take me back to that hell hole. I guess he was having none of that as he growled out, "quit moving now," a shiver ran down my spine at the tone he used, and I immediately stopped all my actions with the thought of doing everything he told me to.
But why?
I was conflicted I didn't know what had gotten into me I should fear him not wanting to please him.

My ears pin themselves to my head as I try to even out my breathing. He sits me on the bed that I had previously been on, sitting between my legs as he knelt in front of me.

I swallowed thickly as his hands, fuck his veins crawled down his arms to his hands, which were placed gently next to my thighs.

I was lost in thought staring down at his...other movments, when he spoke again, "What's your name?" I looked up quickly then tried to speak. It came out stuttery and quiet for its been a while since I last actually spoke, "Ji-jimin...P-park Jimin," I managed out.

He seems pleased with my answers as his thumb strokes the sides of my left thigh, and he hums lowly. Though his posture, the way he's looking at me, its almost like...he knows something? I avert my eyes and lower my head, as he continues to gaze so strongly at me.

I watch his movements, how he shifts from one knee to the other before he speaks again his hand moving to gently lift my head to look at him, "well Jimin, my name is Min Yoongi. Would you like to tell me what you were doing out in the cold wearing this," he asks gesturing to what I was wearing. I couldn't speak for a second as his name sounded so peaceful repeated over and over again in my head like a broken record. I snapped out of my daze and shifted my eyes elsewhere before murmuring, "I...I r-ran away," I said quietly, my breathing starting to become uneven again. I hoped he would leave it at that, I didn't know if I would be able to answer anymore questions after that.

Then he asked that dreaded question, "who did you run from?" I couldn't answer him.

Tears started to build up behind my eyes, "Jimin," that's my name. I look up The tone of his voice, the setting, its like I disobeyed a rule, and he's asking me why I did it,"who did you run from," he asked again, I cant answer everything's slipping away. I want to speak, but I cant. The dam finally breaks, and I let out a choked sob, I want to throw myself at him, but I fist my hands instead. My mouth opens and closes pathetically as I try to breathe within my sobs, coughing as air just doesn't seem to want to fill my lungs.

In the blink of an eye I'm flush against his chest, my legs loosely around his waist my hands in his chest, face in his neck.
His arms around me
In that one single moment, I feel safe.


Ayeooo so this chapter is cliche as fuck. Big thumbs up for author chan being hopeless at writing decent shit- AnYWayS. Sorry, this chapter is like...reallly late I had it done and it just needed some updating and a few changes but O was going through an existential CriSiS so nothing got done.

As always, PLEASE COMMENT GOOD OR BAD SHIT SO I KNOW IF I SUCK OR NOT. yeah please try to leave some comments and like give me ideas, if you like this vote if you don't...well then don't but any sort of confirmation that I'm actually not a fuck up is nice. Love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter after this is published I will begin working on chapter 4!!


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