Keep It Between Friends

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Alex restlessly tossed and turned in bed that night, unable to get his mind off of Madison. He groaned and pushed his face into his pillow before giving up on sleep all together. He mindlessly pulled himself out of bed and pulled a pair of sweatpants on before silently making his way down the stairs and out the front door. The dew covered grass squished under his bare feet as he crossed the short amount of yard from his house to Madison's. Just as he had done before, he stopped and grabbed a handful of pebbles before positioning himself under her window. The first pebble fell short. He shook his head and sighed before throwing another two pebbles. Finally the light in the room flicked on. Alex smiled when he saw the girl that was on his mind pulling the cream colored curtains open.

"Alex, do you not own a damn cell phone?" Madison groaned after opening the window. Alex shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head for her to come down. Madison bit her lip, contemplating just going back to bed but then decided that Alex would just continue to annoy her if she did. She quickly pulled her hair into a messy bun and began climbing out the window. The windowsill was slippery from the morning dew that covered it; Madison's hand began to slip. She felt her heart beat began to race as she panicked, it wasn't a long way down to the ground but it was a big enough fall for her to get seriously injured.

"Alex!" She cried out, looking for a sense of support

"Just let go, I've got you" Alex reassured her. Madison closed her eyes and loosened her grip from the window, blindly trusting Alex to catch her. Alex wrapped his arms around her tightly and began rubbing her back until her breathing was back to normal.

"Thanks" Madison muttered in embarrassment, her cheeks tinted a light pink color.

"Wouldn't want you to die" Alex brushed it off with a shrug of his shoulders as Madison pulled out of his embrace. Madison looked away, biting her bottom lip "yeah..." she mumbled tensely. Alex reached out to her, sensing her discomfort.

"Is everything okay?" He asked cautiously, not wanting to set her off. Madison mustered up a half convincing smile and nodded "yeah, so...what exactly did you wake me up for, ya turkey?" She nudged him in the stomach.

"Turkey?" Alex poked her cheek in return

Madison felt her face heat up once again "It's what my biological dad used to call me"

"I like it, ladybug" Alex smiled reassuringly at the blushing girl in front of him. He was happy to finally be getting somewhere with her. He was happy that she was letting her guard down a little for him. He of course already knew she was adopted but she had never been the one to tell him.

"You're not gonna ask about my adoption?" Madison asked, looking up at him from under her eyelashes. Alex wrapped an arm around her shoulders "you'll tell me about it when you feel like it" he answered simply. Alex stood in shock for a moment when he felt Madison's arms wrap tightly around his waist. He quickly came back to reality though and returned her hug almost too eagerly.

"Thanks, Alex" Madison whispered, pulling out of the embrace. Alex nodded his head, unsure if he was supposed to say something in return. This was new territory with her and he was unsure how to approach it. It was what he wanted to happen but he was so used to having to convince her to even be near him. Madison crossed her arms over her chest self-consciously as Alex continued to stare at her.
Madison coughed, bringing Alex back into reality. This time it was his cheeks that turned pink as he realized he was caught "So...once again, what exactly did you wake me up for?"

Alex nervously ran his right hand through his dark hair. "Don't be mad at me—"

Madison shook her head "Alex, any conversation that starts with 'don't be mad' is guaranteed to have that very reaction"

Alex sucked in a breath of air before pushing it back out "Well, we're friends right?" Madison nodded, waiting for him to continue, "and friends don't keep secrets or lie-"Madison furrowed her eyebrows, not seeing where he was going with this.

"so, as a friend, I wanted to confess that even though you told me no...I sorta may have been in the art district earlier. I know you said you didn't want me to go but I was curious and I-I just wanted...I don't really know what I wanted but please don't be mad at me, Mads" Alex finished his rambling confession and dared to look up for the first time since he began his monologue.

Little did he know that Madison was letting out an inner sigh of relief that that's what he was confessing to knowing or doing. She had thought he was going to call her out on keeping her disease a secret. Aside from the relief she also felt a pang of guilt that she hadn't expected to feel. "Friends don't keep secrets or lie," Alex's words ran around in her head.

Suddenly, Madison felt like a horrible person, a horrible friend. She was so sure that she was bullet proof when it came to feelings but she figuratively felt her armor crack. Madison knew that any secrets Alex had would never come close to amounting to the heavy load of her secret.

"Mads?" Alex cautiously placed his hand on her shoulder. Madison looked up at him, her eyes searching his face for something, even she was unsure as to what she was looking for.

"I'm not mad" she finally blurted out. She would never be able to be mad at Alex for anything, because inside she knew what she was keeping from him was worse than anything he could ever do to her.

"Why are you crying?" Alex wiped away the tears with the pads of his thumbs. Madison shrugged her shoulders; she hadn't even noticed the tears that ran down her face. Her mind was preoccupied with the butterflies that erupted in her stomach at Alex's touch. Without a second thought she pushed herself up onto her toes and crashed her lips against his, their lips molding together perfectly. Her hands found themselves tangled in the ends of Alex's hair as his still cupped her face. Before too long, Madison pulled away in shock at what she had just done.

"I-uh...I'm sorry" She spit out and began running to her back door. Alex stayed planted where he was, too confused to understand what was happening. He lifted his fingers to his lips and smiled, the traces of her lip balm imprinted on his lips.

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