I Had A Dream

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The Charlotte skyscrapers lit up the night sky welcoming Madison and Alex to North Carolina's queen city. Madison's eyes tried to take in all of the new sights. The statues, the multicolored triangle skyscraper, the people, all of it. She had never been in a city that wasn't Baltimore or DC, Madison allowed herself to get lost in the new scenery; Alex paid close attention to the street signs and one-way streets. The pitchy voice of the GPS navigating him through the maze of streets to the destination for the night.

"Where are we going?" Madison asked, breaking her gaze from the passing buildings and glancing at Alex. He caught her stare for a brief moment before he shifted his eyes back to the Road, hint of a smirk playing on his face. There's this place called the evening news I think you like it Alex said, not offering any more of an explanation.

"Alex, we've been driving for hours. Maybe we should just stop somewhere so you can rest" Madison reasoned, placing a hand on Alex's right shoulder and gently rubbing it. Alex but his lip knowing she was right but he had really wanted to take her to this place, this time not for hurt before himself. He flicked the left turn signal on and pulled into an off street parking lot.
"We will after this, promise." He offered a small pleading smile and Madison side, shaking her head in with resignation, she agreed. Alex leant over and pecked her lips before rushing out of the car and shoving money into the lockbox. He ran back to the car, opening the trunk as Madison got out of the car as well. He pulled a guitar case out and closed the trunk before locking the car up.

"Alex...?" Madison eyed the case in his left hand. Alex rolled his lips into his mouth, forming a tight line before blowing out a deep breath.

" Just... Trust me, please" Madison felt hesitant but the pleading and hopeful Glint in Alex's eyes had her silently nodding her head before she could stop herself. They walked hand-in-hand down the street before reaching a small corner building filled with people. Live music carried out into the street as a door was open and Alex paid to get in seeing as they were minors they got their hands stamped. I'll be right back Alex whispered in Madison's ear so she could hear him before he drifted into the crowd leaving Madison standing alone.

A large signup sheet labeled find your muse was taped to the back wall by the stage. Alex grabbed the marker taped to the wall and messily scrawled Madison's name into the next available spot. He knew she would never do it by herself or if he just asked. He also knew he could potentially be setting himself up to find a very pissed off girl... But he needed this. He needed to see her onstage again, to hear her voice flow through the speakers desperately gripping to the words she had written. Madison was never as honest and vulnerable as she was when she performed. Alex wanted to hear her insecurities her worries her heart. He wanted to listen. With a bit of hesitance he taped the marker back to the wall and propped the guitar in the corner for Madison before he fought against the crowd to find his girl.

"Hey" he breathed out once he found her

"hey yourself "she greeted back and allowed herself to fall back into his chest, his arms wrapping securely around her waist. They gently swayed to the gentle and quiet folk music before everyone erupted into claps and whistles. Thank you! The mid 20-year-old man quickly bowed. Alex grew nervous knowing they would call Madison's name next.

"Next up we have a mad's... no last name? " A bearded old man in a weather fedora spoke into the mic, searching the crowd for artist movement. Alex bit his lip and gently pushed Madison forward. The crowd parted on both sides to allow the pair access to the stage.

"Alex! No! Stop!" Madison harshly whispered enough for Alex to hear. However, he wasn't the only one that heard her and suddenly the whole crowd was urging her to find her muse, the announcer even getting the crowd to call her name. Before she knew it she was at center stage with Alex's guitar strap around her and a soft glow of spotlight haloing her. Alex stood in the front of the audience, beckoning Madison to just do something. Um hi she spoke into the mic; she cleared her throat and shook her nerves. Her fingers perfectly placed to strum a melody of chords.

"I'm Madison, I don't have anything planned this was sorta spontaneous... so yeah" she cut off her rambling and strummed a few chords.

I was a little girl
Alone in my little world
Who dreamed of a little home for me.
I played pretend between the trees,
And fed my house-guests bark and leaves,
And laughed in my pretty bed of green.
I had a dream
That I could fly
From the highest swing.
I had a dream.
The chatter from the audience completely stilled after the first chorus passed, Madison's smooth lullaby like voice gaining everyone's attention in an instant. Her voice once again hypnotized Alex just as it had only two months prior in an eclectic little coffee shop. However, while the audience just simply indulged themselves in the pleasure of the music; Alex analyzed each word, each chord and melody. He intently listened, searching for Madison's heart and soul in the chorus of a song.

By the second verse couples were gently swaying together while others just simply gripped tightly to their alcoholic beverage of choice. The door was propped opened allowing the sidewalk loiters to hear what sailors would have called the siren song, entrancing everyone that heard her voice. Madison didn't realize anyone was so caught up in her voice though. Her eyes were tightly closed, the music just simply flowing from her without any thought.

Long walks in the dark
Through woods grown behind the park,
I asked God who I'm supposed to be.
The stars smiled down on me,
God answered in silent reverie.
I said a prayer and fell asleep.
I had a dream
That I could fly
From the highest tree.
I had a dream.

Tears gathered behind Madison's closed eyes and her lips quivered as she strongly strummed through the instrumental break. With the last verse approaching she finally dared to open her eyes and gaze out at the audience.

Now I'm old and feeling grey.
I don't know what's left to say
About this life I'm willing to leave.
I lived it full and I lived it well,
There's many tales I've lived to tell.
I'm ready now,
I'm ready now,
I'm ready now
To fly from the highest wing.
I had a dream.
Tears pooled in Alex's eyes, threatening to spill over. Others around him were crying from the sad, beautiful song they just heard but his tears were much more sincere than that. As they clapped and yelled their praised for the green eyed girl, Alex's tears began to fall. He figured that deep inside, buried in his hearts locket, he knew the time was coming. He knew Madison had welcomed her death with open arms. He knew without a doubt that she was letting go and slipping away from him with each passing minute. Deep down he knew there was no logic in stopping treatments and that Madison had only said what he wanted to hear; that she was just trying to live longer. Buried deep in his hearts locket, he knew all of these things but he never wanted to accept them.

Madison said her thank you and exited the stage; she quickly put the guitar safely in its case and began hauling it from the stage area. She pushed her way through the crowd to find Alex.

"Oh, 'Lex" she wiped his tears away with her free hand and beckoned him outside with a nod of her head towards the door. Alex silently followed behind her, strangers patting her back as she passed them until they finally found themselves back on the sidewalk surrounded by the crisp night air and the sounds of the city.

NeighborsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora