Disney and Disasters part 1

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Disney and Disasters part 1

The 7 am morning sun filtered though the paisley patterned hotel curtains, throwing shadows across the dimly lit room. The movie, which had been forgotten about by the two sleeping teenagers, had taken it upon itself to restart after sitting on the menu screen for too long.

Alex lazily ran a hand across his face, stopping momentarily to lightly rub at his sleepy eyes. His back arched off of the back as his body stretched, his stiff joints popping at the welcomed movement. With a big yawn, Alex turned his head towards the left where a small alarm clock set on the nightstand. The time 6:55 AM lit up in bright red on the small black screen.

"Ughhh" Alex quietly protested, his right hand smoothing over his face once more as he turned onto his side and snuggled further into the blankets, his eyes temporarily shutting for a brief moment. With an ounce of will power to actually wake up, Alex opened his eyes to find Madison lying on her stomach with her right arm tucked underneath the white pillow and her left hand dangling off the side of the bed. He unconsciously found himself smiling at the curly haired girl as her body curled up and her mouth opened for a small yawn, her eyes remaining closed tight. She rolled over so that her body was facing Alex, her hands scrunched into small childlike fists, rubbing at her eyes.

"Morning, sleeping beauty" Alex leaned over and gently kissed her forehead.

Madison dropped her hands from her face and opened her eyes, finally greeting the day, while mentally noting that the brown eyed boy wasn't a bad view to wake up to.

"Time is it?" Madison asked through a yawn. Alex turned his head left to glance at the alarm clock, the red numbers read 7:30 AM.

"7:30" he replied, chuckling as Madison rolled onto her side and pushed her face into his neck, all the while groaning in protest of being awake an such an ungodly hour in the summer.

"It's too early!" She whined, her lips brushing lightly against the skin of Alex's neck. Alex wrapped his arms around her waist, twirling her hair around his fingers and then letting it fall against her back before repeating the action several more times.

"You've got to get up and take your medications" Alex sighed, breaking the silence and ending the peacefulness of their morning; though at the time he hadn't realized his mistake in uttering that sentence.

Madison pushed herself away from Alex and into a sitting position, the blanket that was previously pulled up to her chest now sat pooled into her lap.

"Yeah, I know, thanks mom..." she retorted sarcastically, glaring back at Alex just in time to catch the frown that had etched its way onto his face; though she missed the hurt glint that passed in his eyes as he looked away and got off of the bed. Madison silently watched, her eyes following his body around the room as he grabbed a change of clothes and his toiletries before he opened a small travel bag and threw the assorted pill box onto the bed.

"C'mon, Alex, i'm---" Madison began to halfheartedly apologize.

"Forget it. I forgot you don't need my help, my apologies." Alex spat harshly, effectively pushing Madison back into silence as she broke their eye contact and picked up the pill box, flinching at the sound of the slamming bathroom door.

"Nice going, Mads" she muttered to herself and hopped out of the bed to grab a bottle of water from the small courtesy fridge in the corner of the hotel room. She twisted the cap off of the chilled water, setting the bottle down on the dresser as she grabbed one of each of the six various colored and shaped pills she needed to take. One by one she placed a pill in her mouth and swallowed it down with a gulp of water until the pills were gone and the bottled water was half empty. She twisted the cap back onto the water bottle and stored it back into the fridge, not seeing any sense in wasting the other half of the bottle.

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