A Book of Cliche's

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Madison lingered behind Alex as he handed the correct amount of money over for two tickets into the fair along with a handful of tickets to play various games. He was determined to make her first and perhaps only visit to the town fair the best. He shoved the tickets into his pocket and unconsciously reached out for Madison's hand. He hesitantly laced his fingers through hers and smiled when she lightly squeezed his hand, though he couldn't tell if she was trying to reassure him that she wasn't mad at him or if she was just excited. Her eyes scanned over the rides and games that set before them and the biggest smile spread across her face as she turned to look at him.

"I'm just saying...if this were a date, it would be the best one of my life" Madison said, her tone hinting to Alex that even though neither of them were willing to say that it was a date that she believed it to be one anyways.

"Yeah? And if this were a date what would we hypothetically do first?" Alex played along smiling adoringly at Madison. The sun making her skin glow, a nice change from the sickly pale that she had been sporting lately. Her long, but thin hair framed her face as the wind blew and Alex had to restrain himself from pushing it behind her ears.

"If this were a date" Madison trailed off continuing to pull Alex along with her until they stopped at a cotton candy vendor "you would buy cotton candy and I would pretend to be upset that you didn't let me pay. You would ramble about being a gentleman and I would ignore you with my arms crossed, pretending to be mad at you. Then you would break out that pitiful pout with big eyes and I would smile...."

Alex bit his lip, eagerly listening to each and every word Madison said though he was a little surprised to learn that underneath her snarky attitude she was just a big romantic sap. He couldn't blame her though because her scenario of their "date" was beginning to sound perfect and before she could even finish Alex was handing money to the vendor and holding out the fluffy pink cotton candy to the rambling girl.

" Alexxx!" She whined drawing out his name.

"Oh shut up, I was just trying to be a gentleman!" Alex playfully bumped his shoulder into hers.
Madison crossed her arms, ignoring him as he repeatedly poked her trying to gain her attention.

"Aw, c'mon Mads" He pouted, his brown eyes wide and his pout perfect.

Madison bit her lip trying to contain her smile but ultimately failing.

"I think" Alex lifted his free hand to cup her face "I'm supposed to kiss you now" he spoke softly

"Yeah..." Madison breathed out "I mean...if this were a date" she leaned into Alex's hand as he leaned down, his lips barely brushing hers. Finally, she lifted herself up onto her toes, their lips meeting perfectly. Madison wrapped her arms around Alex's neck moving her lips in sync with his before pulling back almost gasping for air. Alex dropped his hand from her face and laced their hands back together and once again offered the sugary pink cotton to her.

Madison shook her head "I don't even like that crap" she laughed

Alex laughed along and dropped the wasted candy into a garbage can "That's okay, because I like you" he smoothly said though his shy glance down at her gave away his nervousness. Madison didn't say a word back to him but the quick brush of her lips to the corner of his mouth was enough to let him know the feelings were mutual.

"What's your favorite animal?" Alex asked as they stood in line for a frightening looking roller coaster.
Madison stayed silent, pondering the question for what Alex thought to be an abnormal amount of time.

"Mads..?" he pressed, not sure if she was even listening to him.

"I'm thinking. You asked me like the hardest question in the world" She insisted.

Alex shook his head and pulled her into his arms. Madison looped her arms around his neck as his hands sat loosely on her hips.

"Otters" she said with finality in her voice.

"Otters?" Alex asked, that was basically the last answer he had expected.

"When they fall asleep in the water they hold hands so they don't drift off alone. I like that" Madison explained and Alex couldn't help but kiss her again. This was a side of her that he felt himself wanting to see more often. He loved her feisty, angry, sometimes a little bit mean side but he loved this sappy, innocent, adorable side a little bit more. He felt like her showing this vulnerable side of her to him meant she trusted him and that meant more to him than words could explain.

Finally, the roller coaster made its way back to the start and as other loaded out it was time for Madison and Alex to load in. They secured their seat belts and the locking security bar was pushed into place by the ride operator. They slowly begin to inch forward; Madison could feel her heart beating against her chest as she began to panic.

"Alex" she called out, but her words were stolen away by the wind and the screams of the other riders. It didn't matter though because just as quickly as she began to panic he had already taken her hand and pressed his lips to her knuckles, a silent promise that she would be okay. The roller coaster finished its slow climb to the top and without warning they were dropping down at a lightning fast speed. Madison closed her eyes and squeezed Alex's hand tight, not letting up on her grip until the ride was over.

They stayed silent until they reached level ground and finally Madison let go of Alex's hand completely. She crossed her arms and looked down, her cheeks pink with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry for being such a wuss" she mumbled out, not daring to make eye contact with the boy.

Alex didn't say a word as he pulled her arms from her body and held her hand. He didn't say a word as he pulled her behind him. He didn't say a word when they stopped at a booth. He didn't say anything to her at all as she watched him throw rings at some bottles or when he won the stupid game. He didn't say anything until Madison had the stuffed animal in her hands and looked up at him in confusion. Sure, this was the biggest cliché in the world the old "win the girl a prize at a fair" card, but she had been positive that
Alex was upset with her.

"It's an otter" he said, that shy smile finding its place on his face once again.

"Because I like you all the same even when you are a wuss....and I'd hold your hand anytime so you don't feel alone" Alex confessed just loud enough for Madison to hear. Her cheeks felt hot and she knew they were red with blush but she didn't care. She threw her arms around Alex, knocking him back a little and forcing him to catch his balance. He kissed her cheek sloppily and placed her feet back on the ground.

"While we're going with this whole cliché thing I guess we should ride the ferris wheel too, especially because the sun is about to set" Madison causally said

"Yeah, I mean...if this were a date, that's what we would do" Alex smiled down at her as they made their way to the ferris wheel hand in hand. The line was filled with sappy couples and Alex was sure that he and Madison probably looked no better than the rest of them with their fingers laced together and their stupid smiles, but he didn't care because she was happy and that's all he ever wanted to do, was make her happy. He didn't care that he actually hated ferris wheels or that the setting sun was actually blindly him a little bit because as they sat at the top of the unmoving ride Madison smiled at him. Her eyes were lit up and her face was glowing and she was happy.

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