Morning After

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hey guys its been a while and here i am again i was so busy with everything that i didnt have enough time to write a story because i was so busy with everything but the updating should go back to normal also i wanted to challenge you guys, by the end of june i want to try to get to atleast 15-20,000 reads on this book please and i appreciate all of you that read this already but lets see if we can get it higher eh? so let me stop talking and jsut get right into the story!




It's monday the day after i had lost my best friend i don't know what to do. I don't know who to believe, I don't know whos side to be on i don't wanna lose my friend Eun mi but i also don't wanna lose my girlfriend Yura. Who's side to be on Yura whos claim that she saw her with luhan or Eun Mi who said that yura had just set it up to look that way so she could in terms seal the marriage agreement. I don't know who's side because i feel like i'd die if i lost either of them.


It's Monday and that day is finally over I didn't think that I could take Eun Mi crying anymore I'm pretty sure everyone wanted to punch jungkook in the face after what he did to Eun Mi making her cry like that I personally think he deserves it. But I'm hoping we just move on with the day without to much drama today because that will be a real hassle in school with all those students and teachers I wouldn't want running to get in trouble with the school because she hurt someone but didnt mean to hurt someone. I must protect her from jungkook even though he is my friend i cant have him at her all day trying to say sorry and be friends with her again because that would just cause her more pain than she needs to be feeling right now.


i need to be alone with eun mi i need to be friends with her again i dont think i could survive one day without her and so far i'm not doing so far it hasn't even been a full 24 hours and i think im already going crazy like i psyhco or something i don't know its just like without her i'm nothing. but straangly i dont feel that way without yura maybe its because you have to be able to be that way without your loved one, but for some reason without yura im fine. i don't get what it is with eun mi but its like shes my life line (hes so dumb he doesn't realize that he still loves her).


Monday, the worst day of the week the day after i lost my best friend to my enemy YURA. i still love him i can't make myself stay away from him. I wanna just go back to being friends but i cant be friends with him as long as yuras around. i wont be able to keep my anger contained, i'll just end up hitting him or her. I just cant keep my cool around her because she always pushes my buttons and i wanna get back but i cant get myself in trouble at school. So i don't know what to do just deal with yura and make up with him or not make up with him and just get rid of yura in my own way.


Monday time for classes, after yesterday i would be afraid to see yura, jungkook, or eun mi to cross paths because after yesterday that seems like a dangerous combonation. I feel bad for eun mi because she lost her best friend but i like her so much i feel like this could be my chance to be there for her, i know it sounds like im being selfesh but i shes my friend and i really her so i feel like i should be there for her.

It's Monday the day after the bitch tried to steal jungkook back away from me. I kind of wanna just beat her for trying to take away my kookie, also for hitting me and him. she shouldn't be able to get away with that. but one thing I am worried about is her getting back Jungkook today at school. The bad thing about this is that everyone is school think I ruined the cutest soon to be couple. who cares? The words 'soon to be' were in there which means that they weren't officially together it was just like a ship.


After all those bad thoughts i decided to get up and put on my uniform. If I can't have jungkook maybe I can gain his attention? maybe if I change my hair or something is different he will pay attention. I don't know I'll try anything to get my best friend- no! scratch that my love jungkook away from the beast they call yura.

I took a shower and did my hair I just put it in a simple ponytail with a white headband and put on white toms. Then I headed to Megan's room to make sure that she was awake and she was putting her uniform so I left her quietly and started making breakfast.


It was Monday and I was scared to just go to school after yesterday. I wouldn't want Eun Mi to lose her temper again and especially not
In school. but worst of all I don't want her to hurt the one that she loves. but I still must protect my best friend just like she would protect me.

I had headed back down stair after doing my hair to see that Eun Mi had made us a breakfast of buttered toast and fruit, mmm it was yummy. Then after that she called exo and jimin to walk to school with us. Once we all met up it was off to school~!

BOOK 1 : An Unexpected Meeting (Jungkook Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora