Chapter 12

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In the morning I am in the hallway holding all three of my babies and next to me are the other boys that weren't Luke and Mathew. Kyle walks in and looks shocked, "Honey what happened?" "Luke and Mathew are sick and I was taking care of them and the babies all night." He helped me to the bathroom and runs the water and lets me rest as he takes care of the kids for me. All I wanted to do was sleep, but Kyle told me that his friend was going to be here in an hour. After my quick clean up I was waiting for Kyle to return when I see the girls looking up at something on the wall! I jump thinking it's a spider but then I realize it's an odd little camera Dr. Winter thinks he's can do this, I find some black tape and cover it up. The boys are playing with blocks and cars when Kyle comes back in with an older man in his thirties.

He walks over to me and gives me a kiss right on the check. "Zane this is my wife. Gaea this is an old college friend of mine Zane he and his wife are going to be the reporter and camera crew." The woman walks in with the camera and mics. I watch them as the kids scoot closer to their room as the girls cling to Kyle's legs they sat up as the woman come to find out was deaf. "Gaea this is my wife Helen. She says she's very happy to meet you and can't wait to help you get out of here." I smile and shake her hand as I sit in the chair as Zane sits down too. "Alright tell me how did you get in here?"

I thought back to that day, "That morning I had a fight with my parents on where I should go to college and to steam off I went on a walk and deiced to sit in the forest turned out I fell asleep against a tree. When I woke up I found myself on a table. My appearance changed a little my hair was originally brunette with shades of red, and my eyes were brown. They genetically altered my body, I was a human before I came here and now I'm a Canis which is a scientific name for a genus that comes from the Canidaes family which is often seen in wolves, coyotes and dogs and many more that fall on that line. I do not know what they mixed with me, but something says it's a dog or a wolf because the male companions have acted like dogs with a mate or an alpha male protecting his mate. They also have a smell that is different from others, it's like they and other males here were bread for me, it was like they knew that their world was ending."

"What about your mates?" "Well my oldest and newest is Kyle he in fact knew me before I came here we were childhood friends he took in the two five year old girls who are twins, their names are Esther and Willow. Next is Conner who fathered himself up to my boys Ethan, Anthony and my three newest boys, Joshua, Jackson and Damen. Next is Bryan who has taken in all my boys who have red shades of hair which are; Mathew, Christopher, Luke who has real 'red' hair which is orange. Ashton is next he is taking care of all my boys with brunette hair, which is Oliver and Isaac. Next goes to Leo who is the only one who has salt and pepper hair fathers one boy so far which is Aaron who also has matching hair. Then lastly is Eros who fathered Jayden and Jace."

He writes it down as it is also being recorded. "How did they treat you?" "Well the words Dr. Winter said was a breeding baby money maker, I was going to put him in the history books that would get him more women to reproduce like this." It went on for an hour and they went over with all my mates, with guards and with other families living here in this world. "Thank you we have everything we need to get this place closed down and somewhere safe." I watch them leave when Dr. Winter comes in, "Gaea you will be in heat soon, who will father them?" I look at him, "Bryan will be the next father." "Good choice he actually had a real family and came from our France division. He has good breeding behind him he's an Alpha male; he wasn't born from the test tube like Conner. Conner is also a mutt we through him together in the lab he was more first test tube baby. My father agreed to let me make him and didn't realize until he was seven and I read his report."

I look at him as he runs through all of these things about him. I couldn't listen to him anymore, "Don't talk about him like that!" I punch him right in the face he falls to the floor. I am shocked; I didn't know I had the power to hit a man that hard. "Yes this is beautiful! Gaea you are just like I hoped: smart, beautiful, and powerful. You just witnessed your strength you have the power to kill two grown men, in fact you have the power to kill all the guards in this building but I have the power to restrain you with one small pill." He pulls it out, "Look at this; it will numb you in two point five seconds and it comes in a liquid too. Oh right you'll be in heat in five hours call Bryan he will be excused from his classes when you call."

He walks out as I sink to the floor as Kyle walks in with the babies, "Time for some nummies from Mommy." I sit on the couch as I fix my shirt for the babies. They suckle as I relive what I did to him.  He could have died if I hit hard enough. I look back at Kyle who is smiling while watching me feed the babies. "You're watching the kids while I go into heat, Bryan will be here soon and we're locking our selves in the bedroom." His smile fell he hasn't been fully alone with the kids now that Esther and Willow are here and along with Joshua, Jackson, and Damen. I hope he has fun.



I am alive I have lived through the first semester of College and have written this since I got home from shopping after reading a comment from JenniferWharton this morning. I hope you all love see you all after Chrsitmas. God loves you remember the reason for the season, giving is better than getting. I will not update until after Christmas I have two Christmases coming up and family coming over to my mother's house I will be busy. 

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