Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I woke up early at four and got myself ready so I could wake up Maddix and have him ready for five so we could get to the tour bus for six. I was thankful that my mom is my manager which means that she will be at most of my stops on tour and can watch Maddix when Rico, Nina, or Mai have to run around for me. Clay told me to hire a nanny but I don’t trust just anyone with my child. I walked into my baby’s room to see him sleeping peacefully with his father in his big boy bed. Clay is not at all pleased with me taking his son on tour, but he has the money to fly out and see him whenever he wants so he’ll have to suck it up, it’s not like I told him he can’t see him but I’m Maddix primary parent due to Clay’s football schedule so bringing him with me is for the best. I turned on the light and Clay rolled over rubbing his eyes before looking at me annoyed. Maddix rolled over and gave me the same exact look. I hurried to capture the moment before mentally reminding myself to post it to the gram once we were settled on the bus. I walked to Maddix drawer and pulled out the outfit I had picked out for him, he would be matching mommy in a Nike sweat suit and some Nike shoes. My outfit was pink and his is red. Clay bathed him for me while I finished packing the last of the things he would need for tour and took them downstairs. Once I had all of our stuff Clay offered to drive us to where the busses would be loading and we all loaded into his car to get there on time. On the way there I posted the picture of Maddix and his dad.

@TheMariD: Like father like son… first day of tour Maddix will miss his pop pop @TheMasonMan!

My picture instantly got a thousand likes and Clay looked over at me shaking his head.

Clay: What did I tell your head ass about putting pictures of me on insta without permission?!

He laughed and I rolled my eyes smirking at him.

Me: My insta, my posts you ass!

Clay: On a serious note I’m going to miss you two!

Me: Good thing you have Marisol and your unborn child to keep you occupied while we’re gone!

Clay: I thought we were over that?

Me: I have forgiven you for cheating and getting her pregnant, but I will never forget the fact that you lied to me for two years Clay Antwan!

He shook his head and squeezed the steering wheel which is what he does when we get on the topic of his infidelity.

Clay: Just promise me that you won’t fall for that clown!...

Me: If you are referring to Aubrey, my relationship with him working or otherwise is none of your business.

Clay: When it involves my son being in constant contact with him it is!

Me: Clay you will always be his father, but we will never be us again so whomever I decide to date is solely my business and up to me until I feel otherwise!

Clay: Whatever Marielle… I’m proud of you though I know how long you’ve wanted this. I promise to make it to one of your shows.

Me: Thank you I appreciate that, and Maddix will love seeing you.

I looked back at our perfect creation. He was knocked out and snoring cute little quiet snores that always melted my heart. We pulled up to where the busses were and I grabbed Maddix as Clay got our stuff. We walked over to where everyone was milling around the two busses and Rico came to help Clay with our stuff. Clay gently shook Maddix to wake him so they could say their goodbyes. I put Maddix down and watched them from a small distance to let them have their moment. Clay is a good father but he sucks as a boyfriend. I was watching them do their little handshake when I felt Aubrey. I turned slightly and saw that he was standing next to me.

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