Chapter 1

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Hungarian translations: These were from google translate so if you feel one would work better over the other, just let me know! I'm definitely not an expert in Hungarian.



grandparents- nagyszulok




brother- fiu testver




Blazing hot flames flew past her at unparalleled speeds. Sweat dripped off her face like water on a sweating cup. Thundering footsteps and shouts chased the girl down; she dodged around trees that stood in her way. The dark forest shadows frightened her as she glanced back at them. They appeared to be silent men ready to snatch her as she passed. Her breath exhaled in short gasps. She was running for her life.

She kept running until she saw a clearing. It might kill her, but her gut pushed her towards it. Running right into the clearing, a three looming mansions greeted her in the moonlight. Her feet carried her to the middle one.

In the forest, men observed her scuttle towards the buildings. One whispered into his walkie talkie, "she's entered the school's premises." Their eyes followed her to the door before leaving.

The running girl listened back for anyone following her and almost stopped when there was nothing. Thanking the heavens for their help, she rammed herself into the door. It didn't budge. Her hands bashed down on the wooden frame, barely shaking it.

"Help me, help me please!" Her voice spewed out as a sobbing scream. Nails scratching on the door, " you have to help. Please!!!! They're coming to get me. They're coming to kill me! I beg of you, please open this door!" By now, she was sobbing on the ground next to the bottom of the door. Her fists still connected with the door yet didn't make the effect she needed.

Her eyelids slowly migrated downwards. Muscles protested against each movement. The back of her throat was raspy from all the screaming and running. Her body had enough of the long enduring torment. Her brain shouted at it to move, to try another door, but it wouldn't budge--just like the door. The body crumpled into a fetal position next to the door. Then, sleep overtook her senses before the door that opened.


The sound of rustling smashed into her ears; something fluffy constricted all her movements; underneath her body was something soft and squishy, moving with her breathing. Voices softly flowed in from the dark.

"Night Marchers? Are you positive?" A deep male voice resounded across the room.

"Of course! They were hiding along the edge of the forest, obviously not wanting to be seen. If word got out that they were moving across America, the Special Ops would be swarming this country." This time it was a woman's voice that grated on the ear drums.

"We'll talk more about this in the office. Don't want anybody to over hear us," the girl recognized the male's voice.

The conscious girl waited awhile before opening her eyelids. Because of intensive training when she was young, her ability to control her breathing was that of a highly trained spy. Even though her training was extensive, it didn't prepare her for the all out chase she was currently in.

"Where am I?" The voice sounded weak to the point she shuddered in disgust. Being weak got people killed.

A woman advanced until her eyes locked eyes with her. The elderly lady's hair was gray and put up in a ponytail that went to her shoulders. Wrinkles covered her skin in almost every possible place. The girl estimated her age to be in her seventies. "You're in an elemental school sweetie. In the nurse's office of Elemi school to be exact."

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