Chapter 8

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Sweaty hands dug into one another as the building shook. Walls caved in causing a whimper to escape the young women. Hearing the upsetting sound, the young man squeezed her hand tighter. Debri fell all around them. An image of a meteor shower destroying the earth from a movie he recently watched flashed in his mind. This time, he was the one to whimper.

There, right in front of them, was the staircase that led out of this death trap. Impossibly, their legs pushed faster until a piece of the roof collapsed in front of them, escape now impossible.

In the recesses of Jaylen's mind, he cursed his father for telling them to hide in the basement. It was a death sentence. With a squeeze, the ceiling came down upon them.

OUtside, the fighters and attendants escaped the building to where it was just Layla and Jaylen in the beginning. As the building collapsed wall by wall. Creaks and groans thundered the surroundings. The special ops felt their hearts crush as they remembered the children in the basement. Jaylen's father froze, realisation thrashing, scraping his insides with its talons and claws. He killed his son.

Garrett's feet sunk into a pit of icy water. People screamed away as the cold nipped at their sweaty skins. His lanytestver, his precious Layla! Yovon took a step towards the rubble, she might still live. The cousins felt the claws of anxiety pierce their fortified hearts.

Yelps and grunts brought the battlefield back to life. Tornadoes flew and the earth cracked, soon, there'd be nothing left of this place. Except, a desolate wasteland overrun by corpses. The three individuals aforementioned became lost in the horrific views of battle as their shredded hearts yearned for justice. They mutually through it was their opponent's fate.

Deep win the confines of rubble, raggerous breathing echoed. Layla hugged Jaylen to her, fear consuming them both. With her elemental of wind protected their bodies.

"Layla," Jaylen whispered, he feared the rocks would fall, continue their descent with the tremer of his voice. "Are you able to push the rocks out of the way while lifting us up out of this rubble? I can create a fire barrier to protect us."

Hearing Jaylen's voice, Layla shook her head to rid of the images. They took a deep breath. He casted a globe of blue fire around them. Releasing the wind, she sensed the rocks above them. A piece at a time, she moved them upwards. As the top pieces shuffled over, she lifted the patch of cement they clung to, gradually, the sight of rubble was replaced with figures and young. From this place, they could hear the yelling and screaming as the elements swirled every which direction. This fight was destroying the landscape around them.

As the people fought, one one person noticed the two tcendgers standing a top of the rubble. The man knew collapsing the building wouldn't hurt them; in fact, it would prove just how powerful she could be. With her by their side, nothing could stop them. Glancing around, he found Garrett and felt proud of him holding back. This wasn't the time for him to prove himself. Yovon kept a hand on his shoulder and pointed up at Layla. Then, Garrett turned to look as with him and back to his sister.

Both of them took note of the tense posture in the child. Her fists clenched as he feet spread apart on their own accord. Little twisters formed around her.

Before the two could stop her, she shoved the are into the fighting. The elements froze in mid-air as the elementalists lost control; then, the wind knocked people away from each other. All eyes gravitated towards the two teens. Many stepped back in shock at at the sight of them since they should be dead from the collapse.

Char glanced at Will, their eyes connecting with the rest of their team. On the count of three, they climbed the crumbles to encircle their charge. Layla smiled graciously before taking a deep breath.

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