Chapter 4

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Two days before Layla's scheduled fight, the special ops met in the headmaster's office to discuss where a mole could be in the compound.

"Sir," Taylor opened up the door to the headmaster's office, "I have some bad news." Taylor's hair was ruffled and deep purple accented the underlining of his eyes. He took two all nighters to get back to the school as fast as possible. The call he received from an superior ruined his mood immensely.

"You need to a day off," Char blurted at the sight of his friend.

"I wish, just got a call from our general. We have to escort him and other politicians here for the meeting tomorrow. Plus, they somehow moved the fight to tomorrow as well. The students were just talking about it."

"What?" The headmaster stood up from his desk. He turned to his phone, dialing someone. "How did the fight move without my knowing?" A minute later he was off. "The person making the fighting schedules was given a paper with my signature on it. Apparently, the letter talked about changing the fight to the time of the meeting because then the teachers wouldn't need substitutes. I can't change it back since it went through already."

Will's eyes narrowed before turning to Taylor. "What did you find?"

"The mole is in a high position with lots of allies. I couldn't get close to finding out who besides knowing they are one of the top politicians. They can get into confidential meetings and skew things to their side. Mike Roselli's parents are known supporters for the Night Marchers as well. He'll most likely pull something."

"And, we won't be there because our commanding officer is making us watch and participate in the meeting. They definitely tied our hands." William swipt the nonexistent hair out of his face. "Come on, let's get those politicians here before her fight. I at least want to be in the building so we can leave the room as fast as possible."

Before leaving, Char made a detour to Layla's class. He opened up the door and ushered her over. The students in the classroom shuffled closer to make conspiracies about who Layla was and why she met with the special ops so often.

"We're leaving to pick up politicians for the meeting the headmaster has tomorrow. Unfortunately we have to be there as well... Listen, be careful with Mike because he has connections with the Night Michers. I need you to be careful and keep everyone safe. We don't know what he'll do but it won't be pretty. Please, please, please don't put yourself in danger as well. We'll see you sometime tomorrow, hopefully." With that, he ran outside to meet the other's in his team.

Layla felt her stomach churn as her protectors left the building. It was like she was back on the run again. Then, she found herself in a room with Mike Roselli before the fight while her friends were seated in the arena outside. She watched a teacher with a frail body walk past her. He grimaced before stepping out.

A teacher that taught the freshmen English skittered out into the arena. His body was unproportionally tall to his almost nonexistent muscles. Once he got to the middle, everyone gazed at him from above. Realizing this, he squeaked into the microphone.

"Oh my gosh," a girl muttered to the people around her, "why did they chose Mr. Campbell to be the spokesperson? Everyone knows he hates crowds! Where are the other teachers anyway?"

"Pa-pardon me students, unfortunately I will be speaking at this event today. The headmaster has a meeting with some powerful political people today which involves most of our teachers as well. When you go through the hallways, I must ask you to be silent as to not disturb them. Now then, may I present to you Mike Roselli and Layla."

Mike and Layla somberly walked out of the side door with as much space as the pacific ocean between them. Already, Mike grunted and spit cuss words at Layla as they walked.

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