Chapter 1- Crushes lead to blushes

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They are all 13 at the time, I will warn you when they age

"I love you Max" Nikki's voice echoed in Max's head as he lived his delusional world once again in his dreams. A beam of sunlight seeped through the gap of his tent, once again God's terrible creation of the life pulled Max away from his fantasy." Ugh piss off sun I have a tent that I have to cover" Max said grumpily as he stared at the lump forming in his pants. Who knew someone could so easily make another person feel this... aroused. Especially someone like Nikki! Ever since she arrived, Max felt some sort of adoration for the pink eyed beauty. Whenever he saw her smile he treasured it, set it in stone in the back of his mind. If he had a picture book for all the moments he felt this way he'd fill thousands of pages. Yet nobody could know about his feelings for her, he had a bad boy reputation to uphold. Love couldn't get in the way of his record being broken. And that was the problem.

Max's POV

As usual the bloody sun woke me up signalling that my day was already going to be shit. Camp is hell and if I had the choice I'd burn it to ash. But I didn't have the courage... I'd ruin it for her... Nikki. My stomach clustered with butterflies at the thought of her beautiful name, damn. My body shook from disgust but my mind thought different, it thought dirty. Her lips on mine, my hands caressing her body, my tongue painting her rosy skin. Who am I kidding, I've been such an ass to her how in Satan's hell would she return my love? I guess my parents where right for once... I'm meant to be alone. Stop drifting off Max, you've got  2 counsellors to piss off and a girl to impress. Let's get started.

Nikki's POV

The sun greeted me with it's welcoming beam, telling me today was gonna be a whale of a time! Yet I wasn't focusing on all the adventures I could have today. I was more focused on a different type of adventure... Max. His piercing harsh turquoise eyes turn my heart to moosh, whenever he grins my lower parts flip and turn. Who am I kidding, I'm so ugly and weird how can a hot guy like him like me? Wait did I just call Max hot?! My crush on him is getting worse day by day. Get yourself together Nikki! I know he's Cynical and all but for some reason it turns me on... Stop drifting Nikki, you've got Neil to piss and Max to impress. Let's get started!

End of POV'S 

All the other campers had already gotten up and made their way to the mess hall for breakfast. The Quarter Masters grumbles could be heard from the hall signalling that if they wanted food Nikki and Max would have to get a hurry on. Today Nikki didn't feel like putting on her childish dungarees, Max deserved better then a scruffy 13 year old with tight red farm girl lookin things. With no hesitation she delved into her bag and started to trash her tent till she found the perfect outfit. Last year she forgot to pack a spare pair of clothes but this year she brought her whole wardrobe. She picked out a teal belly top with a lotus flower in the middle, just to match her hair, a pair of ridiculously short shorts (does that even make sense XD) and red braces. She put her hair up for the finishing touch and headed off for the mess hall.

By the time Nikki arrived only Neil, Max and a few others remained, the rest had gone out to relax in their tents before morning activities where to start. Once Nikki entered the room Max's eyes focused on her. His heart pounded out of his chest as he drooled at her perfect curves and bumps. " I'm pretty sure that my-  Max what are you looking a" Neil stopped mid sentence as he gawped at Nikki. "DEAR LORD NIKKI WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!" He shielded his eyes being over dramatic, no way in heck is he looking at her basically half naked body! He knew damn well that the two liked each other he was just to nerdy and lazy to make it happen. Nikki started to walk over to her friends table nervous as hell as to what Max would think of her."Heyyyy guyyyys" Nikki nervously said, dragging her words. Max accidentally let out a flirtatious whistle, making him and Nikki blush like mad.

Neil burst out laughing at his two dumfounded friends, isn't it obvious enough to get the catch that they like each other?! "W-well I'm gonna go and get breakfast, catch ya in a second!" and with that Nikki bolted for the food area. "Damn...Neil is it bad that I wanted to pick her up and pound into her on the table?" Max got lost in his fantasy till he was awoken by Neil, " Max what the actual fuck that's really wrong but I secretly love it". Inside Max felt something different to all his other emotions, he felt love, as in real love. "Max ,Max, Max you poor soul, you don't even know when your in love!" Neil teased. "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO NEIL MY FACE IS BURNING RED I LOVE MY BEST FRIEND!" Max's face was a pure shade of red, Neil laughed at his flustered friend. " It's not hard to tell that you like her Max, you know why?" Max stared at him for a while till he spoke, "Why?". " Just remember Max,

Crushes lead to blushes"

Damnnnnn 1000+ words in the first chapter XD Sorry but my updates of the story will be really awkward, to be honest if I where to set a due date I'd never do it! Next chapter will be posted on either Saturday or Sunday so keep a look out.☺

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