Chapter 2- The start of something beautiful

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Everyone knew at this point that Max and Nikki liked each other, some would go as far as love. But that's only on Saturdays. David was clueless about the situation, but Gwen was all for it. She can only hear about shipping peoples baes for so long before she starts as well. This Saturday was different from all the others, to the campers and 1 counsellor it was considered 'The makki day' (yes they found a ship name). Max and Nikki felt uncomfortable as the campers kept giving them looks and wiggling their eyebrows. Today was the day that Neil would convince Max to go on a date with Nikki. An experience day just to keep it on the down low. Just a little push on Max's buttons and he'd be on his way. 

"Soooo Maaaax, how's your day going?" Neil said slyly. "Why are you acting stingy Neil, for once I'm actually getting worried" People where acting weird enough around him today, but Neil is starting to top the cake. "Ooooh it's nothing. it's definitely not that you should totally take Nikki on a hike cause she's feeling sad". The words Nikki and sad combined made Max scan the room for he worried, he saw sitting in a corner looking as Neil said, pretty down in the dumps. Max couldn't help but think that It was his fault, he was always so mean to her yet she managed to always forgive him and smile. "Neil....d-does Nikki,like me?" Max nervously asked his friend. "If you mean in the love way the hell yes" There it was, Max's button had been pushed. The girl he fantasised about, wanted to pound into on a table with, liked him back! With no regrets Max shoved Neil to the side sending him into the other campers, creating a huge pile of clueless of what just happened children.

Nikki's POV

Ever since breakfast I had been feeling down in the dumps, I guess my outfit put him off. It was time to face it, no one as boyish and clueless of who they are meant to be deserves love... I heard thumps of feet against the floor coming for me, I secretly hoped it was Max but I knew that wouldn't happen. "NIKKI" Max's voice boomed from behind me. He...he noticed me?

Max's POV

"NIKKI" Damn if I'm doing anything right now it's probably scaring her. She flinched when I yelled her name, It's obvious that it was my fault that she was upset and now terrified. "Yeah Max?" She turned around replying as calmly as she could. I looked back at Neil and all the others who where grinning from ear to ear. Fine. "I-I'm sorry if I haven't been paying attention to you lately" I think she could tell that I was nervous so being the good person she is, she continued our lost conversation. "It's okay... Max?" "yeah?" She leant forward and whispered sweetly into my ear "Come with me I need to ask you something". Her voice made my groin harden, embarrassing me even more. As quickly as I could I got up and ran of with Nikki, leaving Neil and the rest of the group standing looking clueless. 

Nikki took me to a far away lavender field which I had no idea existed. It was far from ugly, it was breath taking. The trees covered the sun, yet little beams of sun seeped through the gaps, illuminating Nikki's face. Her beauty had never been so radiant. The lavenders grew for acres and acres, showing a paradise of purple and blue, natures beauty. " you?...Do you like me". I was shocked. Did.. Did she just ask me to confess? There's no way I could dodge this one, I loved her more then my hoodie and that's saying something! "I  don't like you Nikki..." her face drooped and I saw tears clouding her rosy eyes. "I fucking love you" She turned around and hugged me, making us fall on the floor. We hugged for ages until I spoke, "Soooo does this mean we are a couple?" Nikki looked into my eyes "If you want us to be then yes" "Well, consider yourself mine"

End of POVs

They walked back to camp hand in hand. " Hey Neil, is that Max and Nikki holding hands?" Space Kid said looking at the two teens "hmm oooOOOOH MY GOOOOOOD GUYS LOOK!" Neil yelled to the other campers catching their attention. Max and Nikki where acting like love birds till they arrived to a whole group of grinning children... and counsellors. "MAX... ARE YOU DATING NIKKI?!" David said in disbelief. "Yeah, I am, you got a problem with it?" It felt good, like a gift to say that Nikki was his, and everybody noticed. "MEIN PLAN WORKED, HIGH FIVE, HIGH FIVE!" Dolph yelled, it was his idea so he deserved SOME credit. "Now we have another thing to tease Max about, because we can't forget about Mr.Honey Nuts" "Fuck off Gwen!" Nikki giggled along with everyone else, she could see from the corner of her eye that Max was smiling at her. This really was

The start of something beautiful .

I DID IIIIIIIIIIIIIIT XD I kept to my promise to update today or tomorrow so here, have it! Be warned that the next chapter will involve sexual things so bewaaaarrrreee.

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