Chapter 1

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"Thanks again for helping me with my homework Donnie, it means a lot." You said opening your textbook while pulling out a sheet of paper. "Glad I can help (Y/N)!" Donnie replied pulling a chair up next to you and sitting down. You flipped to the page and pointed at the problems. Donnie scanned the text. "Oh this is simple, all you got to do is," But you weren't paying attention, you knew how to do your homework, you just said you needed help so you could get some time by yourself with Donnie. You placed your hand on your cheek as you watched him explain, observing his movements, and the passion in his voice as he explained the problems, as your head was swimming with thoughts of the amazing turtle in front of you.

You knew that you had fallen hard for him. He was the reason that you stopped eating so much, that you couldn't sleep at night, that your stomach fluttered every time you see him, and even though these feelings were suppose too feel pleasurable, they made you angry at yourself. It was because of April O'Neil. Everyone knew that Donnie was head-over-heels for April, and as happy as you were for Donnie to feel that way, you wished that his feelings were for you, because you knew that April was going to eventually pick Casey, and it's just not fair!

"(Y/N) are you okay? You look upset about something." Donnie asked snapping you back to reality. "What, oh no, I was just processing everything you told me." You casually lied. You picked up your pencil and worked out the first problem. "That's right! You did that rather quickly, are you sure you needed my help?" Donnie teased. "Well I do have the best tutor in New York." You pointed out. Suddenly Donnie's T-phone beeped alerting that he had a text message. "I'll get that while you work on the next one." Donnie said. As you were finishing up the next problem, Donnie checked his phone. "It's from April." He said a bit excitingly. You gripped the pencil harshly and accidently made an unsightly black streak across the paper. You quickly flipped the pencil and began to erase the streak. "Oh yeah, what did she say?" You asked still erasing. "She wants us to meet her at chef Murakami's noodle shop." Donnie explained. You sighed deeply as you finished erasing. "I can't go tonight; I have to finish an essay and other homework." You lied. You didn't have any other homework, but you felt like you didn't have the strength to watch Donnie gawk over April. "Oh come on, I'll help you when we get back." Donnie suggested. "No thanks, I don't feel like it." You said working on the next problem. "Well alright." Donnie said uncertainly. He walked up to the door. "Call me if you have any questions. See you later." He left the room closing the door behind him. You heard him tell his brothers about the text, and you heard them all agree and heard them leave the headquarters.

You turned back to your homework and held the pencil in your hand, ready to do the next problem but your hand wouldn't move. You began to tremble and your pencil slipped out of your hand onto the floor. You looked at your work trying very hard to focus when a droplet landed on your paper. You were taken back realizing that it was your tears as another drop fell and became absorbed by the paper. You took a shaky gasp and began to cry. Tears dirtied the paper but you didn't care, you were so confused and felt like you were going to drown in this deep pit of crazy emotions, you hoped that crying would help with the built up stress. Suddenly you heard a voice behind you. "My child, are you alright?"

You gasped and quickly wiped away your tears. "Yes Sensei." You said as you cleared your throat. "Why is your paper soaked in water droplets?" He asked as you jumped, realizing he was standing right next to you. You mind raced to think of an excuse but your mind was blank. "Because I was crying." You sighed sadly. "Shall we discuss this over a cup of tea?" he asked. You nodded your head as you stood up and trudged behind him to the dojo.

After a few minutes you both sat down in front of each other with a cup of tea in each hand. As you took a sip, "What is troubling you (Y/N)?" Splinter asked. You stayed quiet, staring into your tea cup. "You know you can tell me anything." He assured you. You sighed. "I know; I'm just afraid of what you might think." "Is it about Donatello?" he asked. Your attention perked up at what he said. "Yes." You answered. "Are you mad at him?" He asked. You shook your head no. "Are you concerned about him?" You again shook your head no. He was silent for a few moments until he said, "Have you fallen for him?" You looked up at him in surprise. "How did you know?" You asked softly as your face heated up. "I was in love once too you know." He said smiling. "And you are okay with that?" You asked. "One of my sons has fallen for a human." He pointed out. After a short silence, you placed down your drink and sighed.

"Every time I see Donnie I fall harder and harder for him. It sounds crazy and I know it's crazy but he is all I think about, I like him so much Sensei, I like him more than (something precious to you). He's my friend and I would drop everything to help him. He makes me feel so good about myself like if I didn't already have a purpose in this world, he is it. I want to tell him that I like him but I can't; I want to hold him in my arms, and never let him go but I can't. You know why?" Tears began to run down your face. "Because he is so much in love with April that he doesn't even notice how I'm feeling, and April, she doesn't give a shell about Donnie's feelings and it's just not fair! It's, it's just not fair." You finished trying to keep your sobs in control. Splinter offered a tissue which you accepted.

"What should I do Sensei?" You asked hopelessly. "The road to true love never does run smooth. My son is still young, so wait until he has matured, than follow your heart and tell him of your emotions, but only fate will decide what will happen." Splinter said. You took a deep breath and finished drying your cheeks. "Look at April and Casey, Splinter continued. "They both are attracted to each other, and Casey has been doing things to further progress things." "I've noticed." You said "I mean a few days ago, Casey "casually" gave April a bouquet of flowers. He really likes her, and you can't blame the guy for doing those things. I know I would find all the canisters of mutagen in New York for Donnie if I could." You finished. "Let Donnie know how much you appreciate him, who knows, his heart might lead him to another person." Splinter said with a small smile. You smiled and picked your tea cup back up and continued drinking.

After you finished your tea, you looked at Splinter. "Thank you for listening Sensei, I feel like an immense weight was lifted off my shoulders." You smiled and sighed with relief. "Anytime my child, now don't you have homework to finish?" He replied. You nodded as you stood up, bowed, and left the dojo.

You re-entered Donnie's room and sat at the table. You saw the tear stained paper and pulled out a new sheet, copied the work, threw out the stained sheet and flew through the rest of your homework no problem. A few minutes after you finished, you were wondering what to do with the rest of your time when your T-phone beeped. You saw you had a text message from Donnie. "The guys and I miss you, are you sure you don't want to join?" The text said. You smiled and texted back. "I'll come if you want; I'm finished with my homework anyway." After about a minute, you got a text back. "Great! We'll be here and I will order (Favorite food) for you!" "Thanks Donnie, see you in a few!" You grabbed your essentials, told Sensei that you were going meet up with the guys and left the headquarters, up to the surface and strolled to the restaurant for the fun night to begin.  

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