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It's been days since Jihoon and Soonyoung broke up. Days since Jihoon left their apartment and went to stay with his childhood friend, Jeonghan.

"Jihoon.. Are you planning to move back to your mother's home anytime soon?" Jihoon sighs, shaking his head.

"I'll move back to my mom's home when I get over him. I can't even handle my feelings right now, I don't expect my mom to handle hers after she knows about this situation." Jeonghan understood. He goes back to lying down on the couch with his iPad in his hands. He was scrolling through his social media when he saw a video of Soonyoung and his friends at a party. Jeonghan frowns.

"Look at him, the jerk got over you so quickly! He's even partying with his friends. You made the right decision to break up with him, Jihoon." Jeonghan shoves the iPad to Jihoon's face, letting Jihoon watch the video. Jihoon just smiles bitterly to himself.

"I'm... happy that he got over me. N-Now, excuse me.. I'll be in the bedroom if you need me." With that, Jihoon stood up from his position on the floor and walked to his temporary bedroom.

Jeonghan stares at the locked bedroom door of Jihoon's sadly. It was definitely hard for Jihoon to handle the heartbreaks he got from the relationship. Jihoon had been patient and understanding with Soonyoung for quite a long time now, but Jihoon couldn't take it anymore, so he broke up with Soonyoung. However, even if they did break up, Jihoon still loved Soonyoung unconditionally.


Soonyoung was looking through the toilet cabinets for some aspirin pills. He's had a hangover after last night's party. Jihoon had placed the pills everywhere in the apartment just in case Soonyoung needed them immediately. Not too long later, he found the pills, along with a rose quartz and serenity notebook.

On the notebook it states '15 Heartbreaks'. Putting the notebook on the counter first, he downed the pills and drank the cup of water he placed on the counter. He grabbed the notebook and went to the living room.

It was obvious to him that the notebook had belonged to Jihoon. He's seen the other write on this notebook multiple times. Out of curiosity, he turned to the first page. On the page on the left, it was a picture of a rainy day. There was also a quote on the page.

I wish I could sit in the rain and let it wash all my frustrations away.

Soonyoung then looks at the page on the right. It was a page full of a familiar handwriting.

Don't you just hate it when people leave at the last minute and arrive super late at a movie date? Because I do. I hate it a lot.


"Soonyoung, where are you? We're late for the movie!"

"Sorry babe, I'm stuck in the traffic. Give me a few more minutes." Jihoon hangs up the phone in frustration. He was waiting under the shelter for Soonyoung to arrive at the cinema, but the other was late. Again.

That was when Jihoon saw a shop opposite the cinema. He decided to go there since he knew Soonyoung would take really long to arrive.

Jihoon looks around in amazement. The shop looked beautiful. There were paper cranes hanging on the ceiling, bright coloured lights shining everywhere. Jihoon then spots a corner for notebooks, with '15 Heartbreaks' on the book cover. He picks one up, and starts flipping through the pages.

"Welcome!" Jihoon turned to the shop owner. He smiles and greets back. "I saw you looking at my latest invention. Would you like to buy it? This notebook could help you with your future choices." Jihoon puts back the notebook onto the shelf.

15 HeartbreaksWhere stories live. Discover now