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March 25th

'You okay in there?' I peek through the curtain and see a employee standing in front of the fitting room. 'Yeah I'm good, thank you.' Even after all those walks of shame out of hotel rooms and apartments, this is quite awkward. My face feels like it's burning when I walk past the people waiting for a fitting room. Before walking out of the store, I scan the street for Mark. He's not here anymore. Thank fuck for that. 

Just as I'm about to down my third glass of vodka, the doorbell rings. Who could that be? I grab a clothing hanger, because that's gonna save me if it's a bad guy. Like a spy I walk towards the door. When I look through the peephole, I see Katarina standing there with a girl I have never seen before. 'Hi Katarina.' She doesn't ask if she can come in, she just passes me and sits on my couch. 'Hi, I'm Isa.' The other girl introduces herself. 'Hi.' 'Okay so I know it's been months but you never replied to my texts and we need to talk about that one night.' 'What night?' 'That night you went home with a complete stranger and fell off a bar stool.' 'That sounds like an average night out.' I shrug and Kat sighs. 'That one night I was there as well?!' 'Oh that night. Yes. What about that night?' 'You went home. With a stranger.' 'Yes I did. He was cute.' 'Do you often go home with strangers?' 'No.' She knows I'm lying. 'I just want you to be safe, yeah?' I nod. 'That's sweet, but I actually was about to go out and party tonight.' I want them gone. What is this Isa girl doing here anyways? 'Ooh same plans, let's go together!' Ah, that's why she's here. They are going out as well. And they just stopped by to check if I got some booze. Sure thing babes. 'Drink this.' I hand them both two glasses of vodka and I finish the bottle. They are slow drinkers and by the time they finish their second glasses, I am cuddling Morgan to my chest. 'Leggo!'

We walk past a concert venue and there are groups of crying girls sitting on the pavement. 'So perfect.' 'This was the best day of my life.' 'His hips got me pregnant.' 'I want to suck his dick so bad.' I don't know who made these girls insane, but that boy must be quite something. 'We used to be this crazy.' 'Bullshit.' I laugh. 'We were. Remember when you thought Niall waved at you in Oberhausen? Or that time in Brussels when they sang 18 for the first time. You only stopped crying because you took a great photo of Louis' ass.' 'Oh shut up Katarina, that was ages ago.' 'Those were the times.' And she's right. Those WERE the times. We used to be best friends, Kat and I. We used to do everything together. And "everything" included seeing One Direction in concert eight times a year, 3 years straight. Yeah, those were the times. But it all changed when... When things happened. 'Well life's pretty fucking great now as well.' We arrive at the club and Isa goes to stand in line. I laugh and grab her by the arm. 'Nah, that's not necessary.' We skip the queue and the bouncer just nods when we walk past him. 'How? Why? What? Are you the boss here?' I open the heavy doors and loud music greets us. 'Not really, they just like their returning guests. Let's dance.' 

Seasons of Love || Richard CamachoWhere stories live. Discover now