Day 14: 29 November 2017

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Operation Slack
Third person POV

Y/N has recovered from his "zombie" disease. Doc has informed that he is clear of any sickness the previous day. He changed out of his sleeping clothes into a dri-fit shirt from the FBI and some black trackpants. To build up his immunity,Y/N decided to go to the gym ith Blackbeard.

While on the way out of the room, he was stopped by Ash."Morning Ash"."Morning,before you go are you free tonight?Lets go have some dinner together."Ash asked. "Alright,where,when and with who we are going."Y/N counter questioned her."Ummm,meet me at the Main Entrance of the building at 5.30pm,
just us two."She replied,blushing lightly."Like a date,huh?"Ash face turns to the same coloir as her hair upon hearing his response."Alright,I'm down for that,see you!"Y/N said before heading for the gym.Ash was left in daze,thinking what to wear that night and get ready for her mission.

At the gym, Blackbeard and Y/N decided to go do lifting of weights. "Ok we are gonna do 10 sets of 10 for the dumbells for each movement.Once all that is done, we do 5 sets of 10 for dumbells of higher mass,and we will be done.
Understand? "Blackbeard instructed. Y/N was shocked,"So many,I think my arms won't be able to hold my guns anymore." "Relax,who needs firearms when you have these two guns.Anyway,get some music ready,that will help for motivation."
Y/N got ready his phone and played "Mortal Kombat Theme Song" on repeat. "Oh yeah,lets go."Blackbeard yelled as they start their sets.This was followed by Y/N whimpering through his sets,as the pain slowly grows on him. Also,Sledge and Smoke conveniently came in when the song said "Test your might",even more coincidental was that they came to spar in the boxing ring."Why did I agree to this?"Y/N thought. He was suffering of strain on his arms.However ,he does know that "No pain,No gain" and that the immune system strengthens through excersice,so he continued to push on with the training.Eventually, the training was over.It was 10.30am,and Y/N was doing his cooldown with Blackbeard."Lets have another session next week,we will increase the number of sets to do."Blackbeard exclaimed."WHAT!?You know what,never mind,no pain no gain,just tell me when you need a gym buddy." Y/N said his goodbyes and proceeded back to his dorm.

While on the way back,he bypassed the workshop, only to
be felt concuss,his vision blurry,feeling dizzy and nauseous.Upon recognising this feeling,Y/N shouted at the top if his lungs," ECHO!!!!"He could hear Echo chuckling with a another man.After recovering from the dizziness, Y/N approached the source of laughter. He saw Echo and Mute still laughing,Thatcher polishing his EMP grenades,Mira and Tachanka trying to modify Tachanka's turret. After giving a dressing down to the two youngsters(also calling Echo a weeb),Y/N proceeded to ask the older operators in the workshop. "Damn youngsters these days,relying on electronic gadgets to get the job done." Thatcher answered,"GPS satellites,unmanned drones,fooking laser sights,all of these just need to run out of battery or no connection to power source,it is useless." Tachanka added,"Whereas mechanical equipment is more easier to repair,maybe cheaper and also does not need electricity." Mute countered,"You cannot make someone dizzy with something mechanical,or jam drones." "Well,the more you rely on electronics,the more you will get lazy,hence less in shape for electronic go kapoot."I retaliated."Efficiency is another word for being lazy,and it is good."Echo tried to answer back."Ok,I think we can agree that both mechanical and electronic gadgets are important to do our duties."Mira jumped in,leading to all others to nod in agreement
"Anyways I modified the shield for Tachanka's turret,any comments." Y/N immediately points out,"I have a few suggestions for modification.Firstly Extend the shield so that it hangs slightly above the floor.Since if the enmy cannot shoot the upper body,they will target Tachanka's lower body.Secondly,replace the tripod with wheels and a kickstand on so that it is easier to reposition.I always see that Tachanka takes a while before his turret is fully assembled.Every time he moves,he has to disassemble,adjust,
reassemble,giving time for enemys to targethim.Moreover,not being rude,Tachanka is one of the oldest operators in Rainbow Six,as time go on,it will be difficult on him to continue assembling and disassembling.Lastly,how about a quick realease swifch/pin so that if shits hit the fan, he can take the gun and evacuate.This allows the gun to be more useful to the team since Tachanka can provide suppressive fire on the move and not fall into enemy hands." Mira considered all the feedback,before thanking Y/N for his opinions."Well ,I'll be leaving for lunch,see yall later."Y/N bid his farewells before heading stright for his dorm.Timecheck was 11am.

Rainbow 6 Siege x Reader.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang