Through the Wormhole Part 3

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3rd Person POV

In the middle of the night...

Mark was on his turn of guard duty, staying awake to make sure safety is assured for the group. Despite the darkness of the area, limited light available due to medieval technology, he has perfect eyesight, noticing any slight movements in the woods. Mark never felt so close to nature ever since the his days in Iraq and Afghanistan. The sound of a portal opening was heard, before another two men was shot out of it. The man pulled their weapon, aiming at Mark. "Team Rainbow?" Mark asked the new soldiers. "Devon Miller, Poland,A.E.G.I.S., Team Rainbow." One man introduced. (OC from SkeithData Ela Bosak X Male Reader) "Aaron 'Raptor' Sandoval, Delta Task Force, Team Rainbow."The other continued (OC from DiN0I3OY Rainbow Six: New Operator)"Oh, more American and Polish too, get some rest first we will explain the situation in the morning." Y/N informed the tw0, before they began resting on the ground.

It was about time Mark changed guard duty with Kyle. Mark approached Kyle's unconscious body, shaking him gently for the soldier to wake up, signalling for his turn of guard duty. "Mark, I have a question for you." Keith asked quietly, in order not to disturb the others, getting Mark's attention.

Kyle: How do I reject someone's love?

Mark: What is the background information?

Kyle: Well, I have been with the operators Ash and IQ from my realm in many missions, protecting them and making sure they are alright. But due to my actions, the two have fallen in love with me. They had a bit of a fight over me, but I do not want that. Anyone that loves me dies or will die.

Mark: Bro what?

Kyle: My past before joining Team Rainbow is very complicated, I do not want anyone harmed from my actions in the past. So it is best I cut any growing relationships between them and I before it is too late.

Mark: Look, these two girls are willing to be in a relationship with you, means that they will want to go through thick and thin with you. I may not know what happened in your past, but they are willing to protect you. Moreover, with my experience with Ash, she may be aggressive, impulsive and arrogant, but she will do anything to ensure anyone's safety. 

Kyle: Thanks,go get some rest, tomorrow is a big day.

The Next Morning...

The B-Team woke up, to see they have new comrades. Everyone introduced themselves to each other, explaining to the new-comers what is going on, still laughing at the name for medieval Team Rainbow, before showing off their unique gadgets. "M1 Garand, American Rifle from WW2, with my marksman skills, I am deadly at any range." Mark started off. "Bottles of Napalm, kills better than normal Molotovs." Nurkanat continued. " Snake Cameras, burrows into breakable surfaces, showing the contents of the room." Wasp said. "I don't really have a unique gadget, but my code-name will be 'Ace'."Austin informed. "My arm band shoots projectiles that tracks enemy's location, also i have a device that mutes my footsteps." Raptor continued. "Heaven's Cloak,  advanced armor designed by IQ that protects me against suffocation, hypothermia,  concussion blasts, flash-bangs, infection, fire-proof, knife proof and resistant to .45 bullets. It also enhances strength, gives infrared and night vision, contains lights and target indicator, but weighs 150lbs. I also have special smoke grenades I call 'Breath of Death'. It produces black smoke that  counters thermal scopes and blocks 94% of all vision, dangerous to both allies and enemies." Phoenix spoke. "Hydra M-32 Grenades that can produce Smoke, Flash or Concussion." Lucifer introduced. "I have a device that can be stretched to produce a bulletproof mesh." Ernie continued. " I am trained to take people out stealthily." Devon answered. "OK, now we know what we do, let us have a warm-up. Lets begin stretching." Raptor started. The B Team began doing their stretching, before proceeding with Jumping Jacks, Push-ups and Sit-Ups. Sweaty from the exercises, they were about to go for a run, before being stopped by the German Knights. " Let us begin training..." IQ said before fainting slightly. Kyle managed to grab her on time before she reached the floor. "She has not been eating or sleeping right, we tried persuading her, but it did not work." Bandit replied. Kyle carried IQ bridal style, IQ blushing slightly, before setting her down on the side. Kyle took out and opened a Snickers Bar, before passing it to IQ, nudging it at her mouth. IQ tried resisting the chocolate bar, before giving in and ate the bar. Kyle removed his helmet and placing it on her head. " New user: Monika Weiss AKA IQ. Suffering from exhaustion, inducing sleep." The helmet buzzed, before knocking IQ out. "He is so sweet, I wonder why?" IQ said to herself before going to dreamland. "Alright, Mark right, lets spar." Jager pointed at Mark for a challenge." No firearms, whatever you call them." Mark dropped his M4 Carbine and M1911, removing all his ammunition and gadgets, leaving him with his M1 Garand. Checking it clear before putting into safety, Mark attached his bayonet onto the end of his rifle. The operator and knight took their places, before getting a signal from Bandit, beginning the round.

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