Christmas Party 2

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*In Joy Super Center Mall, Stick Kiki inside the mall, Slush Friends waiting and saw her coming, feel happy*
Stick Kiki: Hi guy.
Slush Friends: Hey Kiki!!! Hi Kiki!!!
Stick Kiki: I'm here now, do you guy need me help?
Night Vibe: Yes, we are gonna drawing the Christmas art on the wall and on the paper with the mail letter for Christmas.
Stagon: We are gonna let Slush Boy Team drawing the art on the wall and the Slush Girl Team with me drawing the art on paper and put on mail letter.
AquaBooster: But we got problem is the wall is too big and long, the paper with the mail letter is too many and we not finish yet.
Cat: That why we are got trouble for the work.
Slush Friends: Agree. *Nodded the head*
Stick Kiki: Oh god, i see. *Have a idea* Maybe i can help you guy finish the work for Christmas.
Slush Friends: Really?!
Stick Kiki: Yeah, i'm have the free time. I have a idea: How about let me and Slush Boy Team help you girl drawing on the paper and put on the mail letter first, then me and Slush Girl Team help you guy drawing the Christmas art on the wall, so we can finish together?
Slush Friends: Well, sound good!!!
Stick Kiki: So let start finish the Christmas art on the wall and the paper woth the mail letter.
Slush Friends: Ok!!!
*Stick Kiki and Slush Friends start finish the Christmas art in the two side: First is Stick Kiki with Slush Boy Team help Slush Girl Team finish drawing the Christmas art on the paper and put on the mail letter and put in the table, then she and Slush Girl Team help Slush Boy finish drawing the Christmas art on the wall. After a few minute, the Christmas art is finish, the team look up with look around the Mall and feel happy*
Hector: Well, look like the Mall having the Christmas art and look so amazing.
StickMai: Yeah, especially with her help us, the place look beautiful too.
Churros: With her help us finish the Christmas art letter too.
Slush Friends: Thank you for help us the Christmas art, Kiki! Your art is awesome!!!
Stick Kiki: You guy welcome, this is my honor to help you finish the Christmas art and i like drawing the art too.
Daniel: By the way, Slush Fighters Becker and Slush Fighters Chaotix on Art Gallery Museum and need your help, Kiki.
Stick Kiki: Oh right, i'm going moving now, see you guy later. *Wave as Slush Friends and run away from Joy Super Center Mall*
Slush Friends: See you later, Kiki!!! *Wave as Stick Kiki is running from Joy Super Center Mall*
RyuKung: Let go tell everybody and going back to ours based, we need to help the other team making the Christmas Party before she get home tonight.
Slush Friends: Ok!
*Slush Friends going to tell everybody and back to they're base, help other team making the Christmas Party. In Art Gallery Museum, Stick Kiki going inside, Slush Fighters Becker and Slush Fighters Becker waiting and saw her coming inside, feel happy*
Stick Kiki: Hi guy.
Slush Fighters Becker and Slush Fighters Chaotix: Hey Kiki!!!
Stick Kiki: I'm here, do you guy need me help making the Christmas thing?
Stick Alan: Yes, we are making the Christmas art and statue on the giant iceberg.
Stick Vector: But ours problem is the ice berg is too big and too slipping, we are just holding and the ice almost fall and broken.
2 Slush Fighters Team Member: Yeah. *Nodded the head to agree*
Stick Kiki: Oh, maybe i can help you guy finish making the Christmas art and statue on the giant iceberg.
2 Slush Fighters Team: Really? That great!!!
Stick Kiki: Ok guy, let finish the Christmas art and statue on the giant iceberg.
2 Slush Fighters Team: Ok!!!
*Stick Kiki with the 2 Slush Fighters Team start finish making the Christmas art and statue on the giant iceberg. After a few minute, the Christmas art and statue is finish, the team look up and feel happy*
Stick Tyler: Look like the Christmas art and statue on the giant iceberg is look amazing.
MightyStick: Yeah, especially with her help us, the giant iceberg is beautiful and so cool too.
2 Slush Fighters Team: Thank you for help us finish the Christmas art and statue on the giant iceberg, Kiki! You're the pretty artist ever!!!
Stick Kiki: You guy welcome, that was my honor to help you guy.
StiCharmy: Oh yeah, Penny with her friends, your family, the Heroes Team and everybody from every world and every Dimensions World is prepare for Christmas and they need your help.
Stick Kiki: Well, i'm going running around the world and every Dimensions World, see you guy later. *Wave as 2 Slush Fighters Team and run away from Art Gallery Museum*
2 Slush Fighters Team: See you later, Kiki!!! *Wave as Stick Kiki is running from Art Gallery Museum*
Stick Timothy: Let go tell everybody and back to ours base, we need to help other team making the Christmas Party.
2 Slush Fighters Team: Ok!!!
*2 Slush Fighters Team going to tell everybody and back to they're back, then help other team making the Christmas Party*
*Stick Kiki running with her Super Speed around the world and Dimensions World, she always help finish the Christmas for: her family, Penny and her friends, RHG with Dojo's Duelist, other Stick Figures, Video Game, Cartoon, Anime, Animal, Kids, Teenagers and everybody. She keeping running around the world and Dimensions World and until is finish mission*
*After a few second of running, as the afternoon on the high hill of Season Park, Stick Kiki watching the world and Dimension World is bright shine and look beautiful on Christmas, she feel happy about she finish the mission helping her friends and everybody*
Stick Kiki: Well, look like i'm doing a good job and my friends with everybody is happy about i'm helping they. Time to check the Helping List on my phone.
*She grab her phone and check the Helping List, the list is finally full of complete, but 1 upcoming mission cane to her, she feel wondering*
Stick Kiki: Well, good thing i'm finish all mission for everybody. But wait, 1 more mission for me and i'm done? Let me see. *Press 1 upcoming mission* "Go to Heaven Church for praying the Christmas and back to Slushers Kiki Base, the surprise is waiting you." Wow, look like i have to go praying foe a while.
*She press Off and put her phone on the pocket and go down from the high hill of Season Park, she run from the park and make to Heaven Church, she go inside and sit down, praying for Christmas. After praying done, she go out from Heaven Church and back to Slushers Kiki Base. When she is finally back home, something surprise come near as her*
Stick Kiki: That strange, the light is shine and the doors is open, maybe my friends and everybody are inside for Christmas, i'm going inside too. *Open the doors and going inside the base, feel surprise because: The Christmas Party is ready*
The Slushers Team and everybody: Merry Christmas, Kiki!!!
Stick Lucy: Wow! Are you guy making the Christmas Party for me?
Stick Luigi: Yes, we are ready the Christmas Party, before you get home.
TJ: You're put the stuff prepare for Christmas, but you're busy for help us and everybody finish the Christmas thing.
Jun: So we have to go back to ours base and finish the Christmas Party for you.
Stick Luke: Then we are finally finish before you get home.
The Slushers Team and everybody: Yeah! *Nodded the head*
Stick Kiki: I don't know what to say, but thank you guy for finish the Christmas Party for me.
Adri: By the way Kiki, we got surprise for you. *Pull the curtains off and all the Christmas gift is here*
Ben Stickobi and Sticorey: Tada!!!
Stick Kiki: Oh my god! That a lot of gift, are you guy making for me too?
The Slushers Team and everybody: Yes!!!
Audie: Now you can open the box now, Kiki.
Stick Kiki: Ok!
*She open every box of Christmas gift. After a few minute of open the Christmas gift, she have a lot of present for her friends and everybody, especially her friends art, Audie plushies, Stick Michael stickers and many gift from her other friends and everybody*
Stick Kiki: Wow, i have so many present and is for me, thank guy and everybody for giving the Christmas gift to me, i'm really like it!!!
The Slushers Team and everybody: You welcome and we're glad you're like ours Christmas present, Kiki!!!
Stick Kiki: Well, to thank you guy for finish making the Christmas surprise and give the Christmas present for me, let party!!!
The Slushers Team and everybody: Yeah!!!
*They're start the Christmas Party: they start the Christmas dinner. After the dinner, they playing the games, singing Karaoke Song and dancing, watching the show and many more, they're having fun at the night. After the party is over, everybody helping the team cleaning the base, then they thank the team for Christmas Party and going home to rest. Stick Kiki with the team put the Christmas present to the garage, then they go bathroom to shower, brush the teeth and wash the face, they're going to say good night each other and to bed, falling in sleep, except Stick Kiki: She praying on her bed and look as her friends is sleeping, she feel happy and go to her bed, fall in sleep with happy face. They have the great time together in Christmas Day ever*
(This is my second chapter and second part in Season 1. Also this is my chapter story for Gildedguy, so i hope you guy enjoy reading, i hope you guy have the great Christmas and nice holiday season)
(Story Chapter for Gildedguy) (Next Chapter: The Christmas Quest)

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