sunshine // klance

382 13 1

you are my sunshine

I groan in agony as i'm shot in the chest by a Galra soldier, i fall to the ground and lean against a wall as pieces of my broken paladin armour fall to the floor of the Galran ship

my only sunshine

I watch Keith run over to me with tears brimming his eyes, he sits next to me and yells incoherent sobs into my ear

you make me happy when skies are grey

I lay a hand over my open wound, Keith holds me in his arms, while sobbing heavily. A dark maroon begins to cover both of our hands and armour

you'll never know, dear, how much I love you

I reach for his hand and hold it tightly, I slowly lean toward him and rest my head on his shoulder. I smile as my vision starts to go blurrier and darker

please don't take, my sunshine away

"I love you" I whisper quietly into his ear and kiss his cheek softly. I smile at him "Goodbye, sunshine" I say quietly before my vision goes dark and my body goes limp and I hear incoherent screams.


A/N: i made myself cry writing this

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