Chapter 3: Freedom

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"Be quiet, Eden! We're going back home and this time, I am going to be sure you don't escape again. How dare you think you can just leave without my permission!" It's my father. I stop my attempts at yelling and calm down as best I can.

"Well, I guess the rebellious trait is just in my blood, wouldn't you say, father?" He stops pulling me backwards for a second, his arms slightly loosening, giving me the opportunity to yell out as loudly as I can. He covers my mouth in a split second, realising his mistake. As he continues to drag me backwards we both hear someone yell out. I look up to see an Imperial Patrol Unit, heading towards us. The Unit consists of an ISB Agent and two Stormtroopers. My father removes his arm from around my neck and instead grabs my upper arm.

"What's going on here?" The Agent says. My father looks up and stares at the Agent directly in the eyes.

"Nothing, Sir. Just trying to get my daughter home. No problem." He replies as casually and calmly as possible.

"I think not. You aren't going anywhere, Marx Juniper." The Agent replies, as he slowly lifts his weapon at my father face. The Stormtroopers follow suit. My father glances at the two troopers before turning his attention back to the Agent.

... They know who he is... I think to myself. I start to panic for a moment. If they shoot they could easily hit me. The Agent looks at me before looking back at my father.

"I'm placing you under arrest. Release the girl!" He yells. My father doesn't move. "Release her. Now!"  I watch the stormtrooper on the right who slowly pulls his hand up to his helmet, contacting someone on his comm, most likely reinforcements. I then notice the Agent, upon realising that my father wasn't going to let go of me, look directly at me. He shifts his leg slightly to the side. It isn't on purpose, he's trying to tell me something. I'm confused for a split second before realising what he wants me to do. I move my right leg closer to my left so that my fathers leg is out in the open. The Agent then smirks and stuns my father in the leg with his blaster. 

My father drops to his right knee, loosening the grip on me. I quickly pull my arm from his grip and jump away from him, spinning around to watch him fall onto his hands. The Agent then stuns him in the shoulder one last time before he becomes unconscious. The Agent walks up to my father and looks at him for a few seconds before turning back to me.

"So, you're Junipers daughter, aren't you?"  He asks me. I tilt my head slightly to the right and notice the troopers slowly walking up behind me, before looking back at the Agent. 

... They're going to arrest and execute me thinking I'm a Rebel. I'm not... I think of running, but I'll probably get stunned like my father. Becoming more and more concerned with the approaching troopers, I wait until they are right behind me, before whipping around and elbowing one in the face. He stumbles back as the other runs towards me. I duck under his arms and swing my leg out to trip him as he passes.

... I guess all that combat training did pay off... The first trooper regains his balance and takes a swing. I duck and grab his arm, but his other hand clips my jaw and I stumble to the side, lowering my arms and only defence. Before I can counterattack, I receive a punch to the stomach and face. My head whips around from the punch and I fall to the ground on my stomach, my face burning with pain. After a moment, I push off the ground with my forearms and look up to see the ISB Agent squatting down in front of me, looking into my eyes.

"That was quite a fight you put up, Juniper. However, not enough."

The troopers behind me seize my arms and handcuff them behind my back, before lifting me up onto my feet again. The Agent then steps forward and takes the blaster that was clipped onto my belt from me. He looks at it and smirks before clipping it onto his own belt. On cue, a troop transport comes around the corner and stops right next to us. As the hatch opens two troopers come out and salute the Agent before walking over to my father. They lift him up and drag him back into the transport after putting handcuffs on him. I then feel a blaster nudge me hard in the back, a simple gesture to tell me to start walking into the transport. I comply seeing no use in being difficult.


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