Chapter 6: The Attempt

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As I slow my breathing down, I look around the dark barracks. There are multiple shelves that store different things like stormtrooper and cadet helmets, blasters, detonators and more. This room offers me a temporary safe haven, but I can't stay here forever. I pick up one of the stormtrooper helmets and put it on, listening in on the comm. I hear some chatter in the background and a bit of static, but then a very clear male voice comes through the comm.

"This is Trooper LP-374 reporting to Agent Kallus.". I freeze. It's the trooper who I stunned back outside the cell. He must have woken up again. I look around the room and spot a ventilation shaft that I can get into by jumping onto a table and then going up.

As I pull myself up into the vent, I hear the Agents' voice come through the comm.

"Kallus here. What's the problem, trooper?" He replies. The troopers voice becomes shaky and nervous. I know what he's going to say before he even says it.

"Sir... the prisoner's gone.". I start to panic again. I knew they would find out eventually, but not this early. It's only been a few minutes.

"What?! How did someone get her out of the Complex?!" He demands, anger and annoyance in his voice. The trooper pauses for a second before responding, real nerves in his voice. I stop crawling through the vents for a moment.

"The.. uh, the Rebels didn't free her. She.. she stunned us with a blaster and escaped." I hear the Agent hit something in anger. I start crawling even faster than before.

"Consider yourselves fired, troopers! Get to my office immediately!" He half shouts into the comm. The trooper then responds, voice filled with terror.

"Yes, Sir!" 

...Oh no... I'm in real trouble now. The Agent isn't done on the comm yet though.

"Put the complex on alert, that girl is dangerous! Set all weapons to stun and shoot her if she's in your sights!" He says.

I continue crawling for a few seconds before my jacket sleeve catches on something. I can't see what it's caught on because the vents are completely dark. I try to reach back and pull my jacket off whatever it's caught on, but then my hand hits a switch and I feel the vent under me slightly move.

...Oh no... I know straight away what I've done. A second later the vent swings from underneath me and I fall out. I land on my back onto the cold floor, and I close my eyes for a second. As I start to open them again I groan and slightly get up, using my arms as support and realising the stormtrooper helmet came off when I fell. As my eyes adjust to the light, the first thing I see and hear are two stormtroopers in front of me, cocking their weapons. As my eyes fully adjust, the two troopers move to the side and Agent Kallus steps in front of me. 

"Well, what do we have here?" He says, looking down on me.

"Great." I mutter under my breath, looking down at the ground. The Agent then grabs me roughly by the arm and gets me up on my feet, keeping a strong grip. 

"Stop that order, Commander, it won't be necessary." He says, turning to look at an officer behind us. "It looks like I'm am going to have to watch you, personally." He looks at me, but I turn away, scowling. For a moment I observe the room, which looks like a Control Room. What are the odds that I fell through the vents right here in front of my least favourite Imperial at the moment. All I see are officers and troopers giving me cold and emotionless looks. Before I can look in any more detail, Agent Kallus pushes me through the door and back into the corridors again.

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