Chapter 4: Captures

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The second I step into the transport I'm forced to my knees by the Stormtroopers who each have a hand on my shoulders. As Agent Kallus steps in the transport the hatch closes and darkness fills the room, before small lights hidden in the walls flicker on. As they turn back on I look up at the Agent, who stares at me with a slightly angry expression on his face. In turn I glare at him, staring back at him right in the eyes. He smirks at me and shakes his head before walking to the cockpit of the transport.

 I stare at him until the hatch closes behind him. I drop the stare and instead, look around at my surroundings. The walls of the transport are all grey, except for the lights on each side. My father is sitting against the wall opposite me, still unconscious, with a hunched back, his chin on his chest. To keep him from falling over the two troopers who dragged him in are standing on each side of him and every time the transport turns one way, my father leans to one side, hitting one of the troopers' leg. I drop my gaze from my father and continue looking around, but there isn't anything overly exciting for me to look at.

...Pretty boring... I think. I look to the exit hatch again, escape in my mind, but it's no use. The hatch is locked shut and even if I tried to escape the troopers again to get to the control panel to open the doors, it wouldn't end well. The Agent would no doubt hear the commotion and come out from the cockpit to find me struggling to open the door with my cuffed wrists. He would overpower me easily, so I drop the thought. 

The troopers keep their grip on my shoulders for the duration of the trip. As we reach our destination, most likely Imperial Headquarters at the centre of the city, I feel the transport smoothly slow down to a stop. The hatch opens suddenly in front of me and the Agent steps through. He nods to the troopers holding my father, as well as the troopers holding me. The other troopers grab my father by the arms and get him partially onto his feet, before dragging him out of the transport. One of the troopers behind me then jabbed my back with their blaster, telling me to get up and start walking, again. 

I sigh as I slowly lift my legs to stand up and start walking out of the transport with both troopers holding both of my upper arms, the Agent following close behind. I look up and realise we are in front of the As we step down out of the transport, the Agent looks at me for a moment, before looking at the troopers.

"Take her to the Detention Cells. I wish to have another chat  with her after I bring this Rebel," he nods towards my father, "to, a more secure location." He says. I narrow my eyes at the Agent, but he ignores it, instead turning around to accompany my father.

"Yes, sir!" The troopers say in unison, before pushing me to turn me around and start walking towards the large, domed building. I crane my neck and give my father one last look before the stormtroopers slap my head forward. I disliked him, for the way he treated me and my mother, but in the end he was my father, the only family or friend I had left. I push the thought to the back of my head as I continue walking.

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