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Characters of The Four Elements and the lost fifth Air- Alexa Fire- Marco Water-Erica Earth-Elisa Spirit-Charlotte

Elisa's sister- Dalila Marco and Erica's little brother-Cody Charlotte's sister-Bianca the circles best friends- Taya and Imani. Taya's boyfriend but also circles friend- Misael Misael's friend and circles but also Elisa's boyfriend-Jerry and the rest of the guy friends are Ines, Manuel, Jesus and Brandon. All the siblings are part of the best friend group. They are all a big group of love and friendship.If most of these character aren't in the first book wait for the second one. Hint,hint.

The purpose of this story is friendship and love. Always love it never dies and that is what this group of people have. LOVE. Spirit is the fifth element even though it says four elements its five. Spirit connects the four elements to make them really their own and special and that's what this character Charlotte does. They have these powers that control over the elements like Alexa can control Air because she is analytical-Logical reasoning, Marco can control Fire because he is fair-pleasing to the eye, Erica (Marco's sister)controls Water because she is whimsical-odd, fantastic, Elisa can control Earth because she is earnest-true, real and Charlotte controls Spirit because she is sanguine-cheerful,hopeful,warm.

Taya is an empath she can fell or detect your emotions. Ines can control the weather. Jerry can control any object. Misael can communicate with animals. Dalila has the power to mess with your mind or get inside it. Imani has healing powers. Manuel has warrior skills. Cody can hide his features or replace like look like someone else. Brandon has abnormal (super) hearing. Bianca can make flowers bloom. Jesus can control electricity.

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