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Dylan O'Brien as Misael 

I can't believe Elisa! She doesn't understand what im going through. No one does. I go downstairs to the garage and get in my truck. This is so fustrating. Elisa thinks its okay to just get someone else to take 's place. She doesn't understand what Charlotte is going through. How Charlotte is beating herself up for what happened. Charlotte wants to come back but she can't put anyone else in danger. We talk its just not as much because she said talking to each other can be very dangerous for everyone we love. So we keep it to mininimum. I kinda miss her and I can tell everyone else does too. Like Bianca. They're sisters and best friends thats horrible. And now Taya is out to get her too. I tried to warn her but she doesn't listen, she says its okay no one can find me here and if she does well lets just say, she will never be heard of again. I need to see her. I need to warn her about whats coming. Who's coming. Taya hates her guts and would love to rip them out.

I have an address she gave me just in case of a major emergency and I would say this is one. Okay so we live in Montgomery,Alabama but this address is all the way in Birmingham,Alabama. What is she doing all the way over there? I finally get to where the GPS told me to go and it lead me to a small shop. But it looks like its been closed for a long time. I walk up to the door and right when I touch the knob I get thrown back so I hit my truck and the alarm goes off. Then I see her. I finally see her. Its been so long. So very long. She has this enraged look on her face then she sees me and then she has longing,surprise,and relief in her features. But then her whole face goes blank and she goes tense and mad.she was in the window. Then I see her go to each window and do something with her hands on them. Then she comes to the door opens it a little looks around and motions for me to quickly come inside. I run in and face her. The girl I've known for so long. The girl I've known since seventh grade, she will forever be really small to me. She hugs me and I hug her back. And I feel her in my arms and smell her usual sent, soap and a hint of strawberry with something else that smells really good.I know that must be weird of me to just go ahead and smell her but her smell just hit me when I hugged her. She backs away and the girl I knew was gone and this new person takes that place.But fear took her features.

"What are you doing here. I said only an emergency. What if someone followed you. Taya could be keeping a phsycic on on your guys feelings." she throws at me. And then I hear her gasp and someone else gasp behind me. I turn around to see Alexa at the door crying and Charlotte is crying. They run to each other and hug crying. Charlotte backs up and she is smiling which makes her eyes sparkle.

"How did you get through my shield?" Charlotte asked. Alexa smiled and oh I just noticed she doesn't have braces anymore. Good that girl never did like those monster. I really need to pay attention more.

"I called Air to me and asked it to blow it away.I followed Misael here. When he left Erica's he looked angry and determined. So I decided to follow him and see where he was going because he lives at Erica's house so where else would he go. And I kinda put the pieces together after yelling at Elisa about you."Alexa said and when Alexa said that I live at Erica's Charlotte looked at me with the look that says 'is that really true and it better not be' she used to give me that one a lot. I blushed! BLUSHED! What! I don't do that ever.

"She lets me, Jerry, Manuel, and the others stay with her if we need a place to stay since her place is huge."I said to her trying to explain that there is nothing going on between me and Erica and never will be anything between us.We are just friends and only friends.She looks at me with understanding but sadness.

"Wait but what are you doing here?" She asked me.

"Taya is after you and I figured you weren't listening to me so I needed to warn you in person and I aslo really needed to see you." I said and Alexa nodded in agreement. She shook head and looked confused.

"After you left, everything changed and I mean everything. I went um insane because nothing was the same anymore." I said and Alexa whispered,

"Meaning he couldn't handle you not being there anymore." she said with a smile. I shook my head and cracked a smile.

"I broke things off with Taya she went crazy claiming that when we were together it was always about you and never about her. That I love you and I always have. I was just using her to find my true feelings for you she said then this black mist or shadow came and wrapped around her and swallowed her and she didn't struggle either she invited it. And thats when she chose Darkness over Light. Then she killed Imani because when she would try to hurt us Imani would heal us and she couldn't have that anymore and she didn't care either. She just cut Imani head off with Darkness. It was horrible.Then Elisa developed new power. She is now our oracal. She sees future tragics or just future events." I said and saw Charlotte fall into the chair next to her with disbelief.

"Something is coming and we need your help. Please we need the circle to be complete for this to work. You our only hope." I said beggingly. She looked at me with sad eyes and shook her head but before she could answer Alexa started yelling which startled both of us.

"You have to. We are going to get killed out there without you because the circle is weak without you. Please we need you. You have to come back. After all these years we haven't heard a thing from you so you could at least come back and help us. See your sister again see your best friends again. But you have to realize that we will always need you. No matter what and what happened five years ago wasn't your fault it was mine." she said and me and Charlotte gaped at her and she blushed.

"So when you were saying the spell all I was focused on was Manuel. Yes Manuel. And my emotions were way to high which made the power to much and out of control. And thats how we all got hurt. It wasn't your fault it was mine. So stop beating yourself up and come back." She said in a rush.

"Manuel? Really?" I asked and she blushed even more.

"Does anyone else know this?" Charlotte asked ingnoring my comment. Alexa shook her head.

"I wanted to say something but I wasn't sure at first but recently I was sure that is was actually my fault. I'm so sorry." she said while she started to cry again. Charlotte went over and hugged Alexa and whispered to her quietly and Alexa nodded. They pulled back and Charlotte sighed. And looked at both of us.

"Okay. I will help you guys. On one condition. Don't make a big deal out of it please."She said. I whooped and gave Alexa a big high-five. I hugged Charlotte and we all started laughing.

"Come on you can ride in my car and Alexa can follow us back to the mansion." I said and Charlotte's eyes widened. I laughed.

"Erica came into a big stash of money recently." I said and we went outside to my truck and Alexa's cute little orange bug. We said bye to Alexa and got in my truck and roared it to life. On the way I looked over at Charlotte and she looked deep at thought which is weird because she is always talking. Not in a bad way. But in a relaxing way.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked. She blinked a couple times and looked over at me and smiled.

"How I have been a horrible fool for five years. How mad I have made Elisa and how disappointed everyone else is." she said sadly. I pushed her lightly on the shoulder.

"Hey don't worry about that. Because at least you are coming now. Thats what matters. You are helping us now and joining us again." I said reassuring. She smiled and nodded.

"Okay. Yeah you're right. I'm doing the right thing right?" She asked.

"Yes you are. You totally are. Absolutely. Positive. One hundred percent." I said and she laughed.

"Okay I get it I'm doing the right thing." She said still laughing. I laugh and continue driving less tense and happy that the group is coming back together finally. Thats all I've wanted for a vew long time. "My wish is coming true." I say. She looks at me.

"And what wish is that?" She asked. I smiled over at her.

"Having you back. My mess-around-buddy." I say and she laughs again.

"That was my wish too. Guess ours both came true." she said and I nodded in agreement. Yes it did.

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