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Samantha Boscarino as Elisa

Five years later


"Hey Dalulu? Where did you put the keys?" I asked my little sis Dalila.

"Um.. I don't know why you asking me. You really need to find a key hook so I don't have to constantly find them for you lazy." Dalila said with a lot of attitude. Okay then. Oh wait found them. They were in my pants pocket and yes the ones I am wearing. Shut up! Stop judging me! Gosh!

"'Kay bye!" I yelled and barely heard her say bye back. I head to my car so fast because I am like really late for Bio class. Ugh I hate Bio!Then right when I get in my car I get hit with a vision(Elisa has pshychic visions of the future forgot to write that in the character info. Sorry. Ok I'm kind of not sorry but you know whatever.)This vision hurt a lot. The circle is together well except for Charlotte because she hasn't been part of it for five years but you know she left us right. She didn't say good-bye. Which hurt because we were best friends. But anyways my head hurt so much I started to scream. Dalila ran out and came to the car.

"What are you seeing?" she asked in a rush.

"We circled up but its not strong enough because the circle is incomplete then Darkness swallows us and there is so much pain. Unbearable pain." I scream so loud. It hurts. So much!

"Okay. Its okay. Shush.What else? Is that it?" ahe asked

"Wait I see someone. She floating in the air. Darkness all around her and inside of her. Its like she is the Darkness only in human form." I said.

"Well, who is it?" Dalila says. Then I open my eyes and stare up at her with so much shock and fear and disbelief.

"Its Taya. I saw Taya. She was the darkness." I said softly.

"Should have known that girl would go on a nasty streak. She is probably sleeping with it too." Dalila said with disgust on her face.

"How do you sleep with Darkness? Isn't it just like a shadow?" I asked.

"No. Darkness can take any form and I am guessing it took form in a human then went into Taya as its new form." she said like she knows all and tells all.

"You are really smart. You know that?" I say to her and she smiles slyly.

"I've known. But you are just finding this out, girl you late." she said. I roll my eyes at her.

"Come on we need to tell the rest of our group this. Like now. Get in." I rush her and hurry down the street to Erica's house. We speed down to Erica's fricking huge house where she houses almost all of our friends like Misael and Jerry, Manuel, Marco and sometimes Dalila and other friends who need a place to stay. That's one of the reasons I love her.

We get to her house and Jerry, Ines, Marco and Manuel are playing video games in the living room with Misael next to the window starring into space like always ever since things have changed. I wish we could help him. I walk to the huge kitchen and find Erica sitting on one of the stools on her phone listening to music and eating popcorn. We walk up to her and call to the boys.

"Meeting. Get in here guys. You too Misael. It's important." I say and the boys come running in with Misael trailing behind them and he looks so sad it's heart-breaking.

"I had a vision and in this one we die from Darkness. And Darkness was in Taya's form but didn't look like she was struggling." I said and Misael swears under his breath and punches the wall which makes a big hole then storms out of the room.

"¿Estás bien?" Jerry asked me. I nodded and sat down on one of the stools and put my head in my hands. This Misael thing is really fustrating.

"Ok so what is next? What are we supposed to do?" Dalila asked. I look at her and shake my head. I honestly don't know. This is all to much. I need a normal life. Seriously.

"Um...I don't know. Honestly I don't. Our circle is incomplete without Spirit."I said hopeless.

"Maybe someone can step in as Spirit."Bianca (Charlotte's older sister, who can make flowers bloom which means she kind of has the Earth element but not really) said.

" So we need someone who is close to Spirit. Or their power is close." I said and looked at Bianca. I mean her sister could control Spirit so maybe she can. It was like she could read my mind because she looked at me and shook her head. I sighed and closed my eyes and started thinking. Imani was the closest person to get close to Spirit but she died three years ago right after Taya went crazy. And Taya went crazy right after Misael broke up with her. We have a messed up group. But Dalila on the other hand could probably step in. I looked at her and met her gaze. Her eyes widened but she nodded. It was settled, Dalila will step in as Spirit. But we will have to test it first to make sure it works. So I tell everyone the plan is we are meeting down in the basement tomorrow night and to bring all the stuff we would need for the circle. And that we were going to try with Dalila stepping in. They all muttered their okays and walked away to do who knows what.I yawned and asked Erica if I could stay the night. She said of course I didn't even need to ask. Dalila and I walked upstairs to a guest bedroom and passed out. I have had a long day and now I am going to have a lot more homework for Bio and I am probably going to fail.Great.Normal life here I come.

I woke up to a knocking sound on my door. Wait no I'm at Erica's house. I get up and lazily answer the door. Its Misael with a tense and raged look. I miss the old Misael. Always goofying around with Charlotte and is a natrually a good guy, always making us laugh when things were tense. Now he's all moody and gloomy. Charlotte leaving has changed all of us.

"You're replacing Charlotte's spot?" he said heatedly.

"I am not replacing I just need someone to take her place for right now. But we need to face that she isn't coming back." I said sadly to him. He flinched like I just punched him in the face.

"She isn't dead Elisa and I've talked to her. She just needs to remember who we are and what we did together as a group."he said uneasily.

"Oh yeah? When was the last time you talked to her? Two weeks ago? A month ago. We don't know where she is, who she is, and how she is anymore. She left us remember. Get it through your head that she isn't coming back!" I yelled at him. He glared at me and said something that utterly shocked me.

"You'll regret this you know. And maybe she left because of you guys, huh? Did you ever think of that?" he said then stormed away. I sighed then slammed my door. I look at the clock and groaned. He woke me up at three o'clock in the morning. I'll never go back to sleep. Ugh! Whatever. So is Charlotte talking to Misael but not us. She probably called him once and then he just kept calling her over and over. She called me once but then I was so mad at her I let it go to voicemail. But now I'm over it. So I get out my phone and look through my contacts and find that is one of the first ones. I press call and put it to my ear. Then after the third ring it goes silent.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Elisa? So you finally call me after all these years? You must need something." she said like a-matter-of-fact.

"Actually I do. I want you to come back and help us deafet Darkness again. Then you can leave our lives again and never come back like you were planning on doing right now. But we need your help or we're going to die. So will you help us?" I said in a big rush but hatred was in my tone.

"I'm sorry I-I can't."she said with hurt in her tone. But then I blew up on her.

"What do you mean you can't? I just told you we are all going to die and you say you can't help us. Whats wrong with you. You used to be so brave and helpful. But now you are a coward. You didn't kill us then but you and you choices are going to kill us now. Forgive and forget the past and yourself for crying out loud!" Then I hung up and slammed my fist in the bed frame and threw my phone. Pain burt through my hand but I ignored it all I could feel is the rage, dissapointment, hurt and loss. And I started crying. Then I passed out. Guess I did get to fall asleep.

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