Chapter 1

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I glanced in the mirror and admired my beauty. I huffed and puffed when it all shattered. The glass had broke and I turned to the door way. I let out a terrible sigh and left the room, I walked over to a maid.

"Honey, my mirror broke. Could you clean it up?" I asked.

She nodded and went right to work in my room. The door bell rang and I walked down the stairs.

"I am coming!" I shouted.

When I got there it was Jeremy holding flowers and chocolate.

"Hello Athena. It's Valentine's day and I was hoping that you would be my valentine?" He asked.

I nodded and he blushed as he handed me flowers and chocolates, I placed them down on the table. I placed flowers in a vase and he came in. He closed the door behind him. "I'll give you time to get ready." He smiled.

"Alright Mr. Gilbert." I smiled.

It had been a century since I saw my husband. I have all but forgotten why I ran away in the first place really. He was to needy always wanted a child after... Well after our first. We named her Agneta. It stands for pure I think, I tend to forget Scandinavian meanings. I wasn't ready or I don't think I will ever be ready to have another child. I been grieving her lost for almost 900 years now.

I walked out of my room in a beautiful white lace dress that flowed down to my knees. I had a white bow to tie back my blonde curly hair.

"Wow." Jeremy said.

"Speechless? I haven't had a man speechless in centuries? I mean Elijah is always speechless." I smiled.

"Who?" He asked.

"Brother in law." I paused to remember he doesn't know.

"Are you a vampire?" He asked clearing his throat.

"Yes but please Jeremy don't be scared." I said with worry in my eyes as I slowly walked down the stairs.

"I am not scared. My sister's friends are vampires." He smiled.

"I am an original." I sighed.

"Your an original vampire?" He asked.

"Hybrid." I answered. "Well Tribrid, because I am a wolf, vampire and witch."

"So your the big bad hybrid?" He asked.

"I am the badass Hybrid. You are mistaken." I smiled at him as we were face to face.

"Who is the big bad hybrid?" He asked.

"I said brother in law Elijah. I am married but we left each other not on the best of terms." I frowned.

"What happened?" Jeremy asked.

"Well." I said in a high pitch tone.

"It's better if we are sitting down." I smiled.

We went into the living room, I had a butler serve us drinks. "I like wine when I tell stories." I said picking up the glass.

I took a sip and smiled.

"It all start in 1920." I smiled.

We were in a fancy bar, Klaus, Rebekah and I. Stefan Salvatore was hanging with us and I was busy dancing alone. Klaus was distracted by his new friend. His brother Damon was dancing with me soon after I turned away from Klaus.

"What's your name Miss?" He asked as he spun me.

"Athena." I smiled.

"That's a pretty name." He blushed.

"You're sweet sir but I must get back to my friends." I said not pointing them out.

"I am looking for my brother." He said.

"What's his name?" I asked politely.

"Stefan." He said looking in my eyes.

"Stefan isn't here. Leave go live your life." I compelled him. "Forget me until I say remember."

He left and I heard people talking from far away. "Time to go Nik! They are on to us." I said in a whisper.

He ignored me and continue to talk to a girl. I sped over to the table. "They are on to us." I said in a whisper.

"I am not leaving Stefan!" Rebekah said clinging onto Stefan.

"Rebekah." I paused before a stake bullet hit my back.

I flipped the table and hopped behind it.

I dragged my husband and sister out. "You guys really don't listen." I mocked.

"I once said that to you Athena." Rebekah snapped.

"I am not leaving with out Stefan!" She cried.

"It's us or him." Klaus said.

"Him! I chose him!" She cried.

My heart hurt from that blow, Klaus daggered her and I sighed. Stefan came out to us and looked at Rebekah.

"Don't worry Love. She is napping." I said.

"Leave us, forget us." Klaus compelled him.

Stefan left and I turned to Niklaus. "That was harsh." I hissed.

"It was tough love." He growled.

"I rather not be here anymore." I sighed.

"I'll dagger you next if you try to leave." He grumbled picking up Rebekah.

"I'll stop Mikael just go." I grumbled.

"Don't get hurt love." He smiled.

"I wouldn't count on it." I smirked.

I went inside and found Mikael. "Athena! The only one I can't kill." He grumbled.

"Mikael, my wonderful father." I said sarcastically.

"Don't act like it wasn't true!" He shouted in rage holding a white oak stake.

"Mikael, if you were a real father you wouldn't beat your kids!" I roared.

It all went black... I woke up covered in blood. Detectives were here covering bodies and they were just about to cover mine.

"A witness?" One of them asked me.

"Yes. It was horrible." I played along.

I killed them and left, I searched for Niklaus and found him in New York.

I walked into the apartment and smiled. "Nik! Nik? I am home!" I called out.

A female came walking towards me. "Who are you?" She grumbled.

"Niklaus's wife." I hissed.

"Oh." She said before I snapped her neck.

She died and I laughed slightly. I walked into the bed room. "I am done with you!" I shouted.

"Don't you dare!" He grumbled at me as he sped over to me.

"Your bring Harlots around! I don't like it! Tell me they don't mean anything to you and I'll stay by your side." I said looking into his eyes.

"I..." He said looking away from me.

"You care about them!!!! It's because I don't want a child!!!" I shouted.

"I hate you! I never want anything to do with you!" I shouted.

"He cared about the Harlot I killed." I sobbed.

"Hey hey, a pretty woman like you shouldn't cry or be upset about that. I can make you happy." He smiled.

His Little Wolf | Klaus Mikaelson (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now