Chapter 13

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We walked down the stairs talking to each other. "Elena you doll!" I said fake smiling.

"Athena, your stories are lovely!" She fake smiled.

We were going to keep this all night until we could slip out with no one finding us.

Klaus and Elijah stood at the bottom of the stairs. I saw a female in the middle of them. I lost my smile and pouted at the girl.

"Nik? Who is this?" I asked.

"This is my date sister." He smirked as he kissed her on the cheek.

I was so confused by this and pissed.

"Elena do you want to get some fresh air?" I asked.

She nodded.

"But-" Elijah said before we left.

We ran to the boarding house and I examined the picture. There was 6 symbols in total. On my parents' bodies and floor plus walls.

"It's her, Inadu. It's her markings." I sighed.

I rolled up the painting and placed it in a holder. I left with Elena and snuck back in the Mansion through a Balcony.

"Oh what is this?" Finn asked. "Stopping by on my balcony?"

"I needed another way back in." I sighed.

"What's that?" He pointed to what I was carrying.

"Painting of mine." I smiled.

"Why is the doppelganger with you?"

"I had to go get it at the boarding house. Why you ask so many questions?" I scoffed.

"Who is the girl Klaus is with?" I asked.

"Someone to dance with, he thought you were going to miss the ball so he went out and found a replacement. Don't worry it's just for the ball nothing else." He said taking out the sage.

"You lit this why?" He asked.

"Conversations about my past." I grumbled.


"Stop asking questions that... That... That... That I don't have the time for." I said becoming light headed.

Finn sped over to me and caught me before I fell.

Everything went black.

|Finn P.O.V|

I carried her to her room and laid her down. I placed the holder next to her night stand.

Elena was nervous and didn't know now what to do. "This happens a lot, nothing to worry about." I sighed.

"Will she be alright?" She asked.

"Tomorrow morning you'll see her running around for drinks to down among other things." I sighed.

Elena left the room and I stayed with her. "Fight it Athena." I whispered.

She body floated in the air and I locked the door and looked at her.

"Athena?" I asked as her body floated back down.

Her eyes still remained closed, she was squirming around like she was dieing. I touched her body and it went stiff. I ran to the door and unlocked it. I looked over the balcony.

"Calling all siblings something bad has happen to Athena head to her room. Repeat something is wrong with Athena come to her room." I said in a whisper.

I returned to her room and in came Elijah, Kol and Rebekah but no Klaus.

Athena's body laid there lifeless, her skin was changing colors slightly. "She came in my room with that." I pointed out the holder.

"Said it was a painting. She also got light headed and fainting in my arms, she floated for a bit then her body threw a fit and she stiffened up." I said.

"Painting?" Kol asked walking up to the holder.

He pulled out a painting of a crime scene. She painted her parents death and there were symbols that were all the same. We noticed the night stand draw swing open. The book started to float when Klaus came in.

He looked at the book then at Athena. "What the fuck?" He asked.

The book went right on top of Athena. Her body looked super pal and she was cold. "Is she dead?" I asked.

"She is undead yes I don't know about dead." Klaus added in.

We all saw it.

"Mom?" Athena asked.

She was 9 at this time, she was wandering around looking for her parents. She stopped in the door way and looked stunned but more so amazed. There was a blue orb floating.

"Athena." It called out.

"You killed my mom and dad!" She cried.

"I will kill you next Athena." It said.

We saw Athena take it down but it damaged her mentally and physically. "Mom?" She cried.

She noticed the silver knife in her father and she plucked it out. She sliced her hand and watched it heal.

Athena was silvering and she was very much okay we think. She was looking at us all confused.

"Why are you all in my room?" She asked.

"You weren't okay." I said.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes why do you not remember?" Niklaus asked.

"I remember but why are you in room? Did something happen?" She asked.

We all nodded and she noticed the book and literally jumped off the bed. The book floated again and went for her. She raised her hand and the book fell. "Inadu." She groaned.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"The hollow, she killed my pack and my parents." She frowned.

"I am so sorry." Rebekah said hugging her.

She raised her hand and the book floated up and caught on fire. It turned to ashes but we weren't seeing the last of that thing.

The night came to an end and I was left wondering what happen between Klaus and Athena.

Their love was something unbreakable before they had their child. After they had their child their love grew until the day she was gone. I know what really happened, Dahlia took her.  It was something my mother did with Dahlia, we all have to give our first born up to her. We were turned into vampires before we could have children.

The day that Agneta was gone.

"Nik!" Athena shouted as she ran through the Meadows.

"Athena!" He smiled.

"I am sorry I am late but the other pack that is in the next village needed me." She said.

"It's alright." He nodded.

"Finn!" She called out to me.

"Athena." I smiled.

I ran up to her wrapping my arms around Nik and Athena.

"How are you sister?" I asked.

"Wonderful with this new found gift, where is little Agneta?" She asked.

"Agneta..." Nik said lowering his head.

"Nik? Is she okay?" She asked.

"Agneta died." I said looking at her.

I feared if I told her she would get herself killed by Dahlia so we all let her think that she died.

"I already buried her next to your sister." Niklaus nodded.

She broke into tears and shut down.

I couldn't sleep because I felt the secret burning a hole in my heart. I had to tell her that Agneta is still alive. I needed to tell her but I don't know how'd she react.

His Little Wolf | Klaus Mikaelson (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now