Chapter 14

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|Finn P.O.V|

I walked down the hallway and went to her room, she was sleeping like an angel.

"Athena?" I asked.

"Finn?" She said rolling over to me.

She rubbed her eyes and I let out a sigh.

"There is something I need to tell you but you might be mad." I said.

"What is it?" She asked sitting up.

She was wearing silk pajamas. She looked super drained and I walked closer to her. I sat on the edge of the bed and looked her in her eyes.

"Agneta is alive and well. She is with Dahlia." I said.

"Dahlia?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

The door opened and there stood Niklaus with a pissed off look on his face.

"I don't understand." She yawned.

"I had to give her up to save you Blossom." Nik said and his face changed to sadness.

"Me? I can handle myself." She said getting up.

She looked like she was going to pass out, she looked weak.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"No?" She said with a confused look on her face.

"I don't know." She yawned.

"Finn maybe you should let her be." Nik said walking over to her.

He wrapped his arms around her and just like that she fell asleep. He carried her away to his room.

I sat on her bed and sighed.

"Why is she weak?" I said out loud.

Elijah was peaking in at me. "I don't know does it frighten you?"

"Is it this blue orb thing that killed her pack?" I asked.

"Agneta is part of her pack." He said.

"Right there is only 2 members of the shadow pack left." I said standing up.

"Maybe the orb is finishing what it started?" Elijah asked.

I walked into Niklaus's room and looked him.

"Maybe she is slowly dying?" I asked.

"No." She said.

"What is it then?" I asked.

"I don't know." She sighed.

"Do you feel better?" I asked.

"I don't know." She said sitting up.

"She was sleeping." Nik growled.

"Nik, it's alright." She smiled.

Nik calmed down and looked at her.

"Blossom." He smiled.

"Yes?" She asked looking at him.

"I love you." He smiled.

Her eyes lit up and she smiled bigger. "You mean it this time?"

"Yes Blossom, I would do anything for you." He nodded.

"Oh Nik." She giggled. "I love you too."

Barf, I left the room and went downstairs. The door opened and in can two ladies.

"What can I do for you ladies?" I smiled.

"Oh Finn." One said with love in her eyes.

My eyes went wide. "Freya?" I asked.

Out came all the other siblings including weak Athena. Athena's eyes lit up when she saw the other lady.

"This is a shocker." She said losing her smile.

"We're back." Freya said.

"Who is the other one?" I asked.

"Agneta." She smiled.

Athena sped over to Agneta and examined her up and down. Finally she stood in front of her and flashed her purple eyes. Agneta flashed her purple eyes back.

"It is you." She cried as she hugged her.

"Yes mother, I missed you all." Agneta cried.

Nik looked at this. "You all are blinded they obviously are anything but a trick." He growled.

Athena stood in front of Agneta protecting her.

A blue orb finally appeared.

"Shadows Wolves shouldn't be alive." It hissed.

It took form into a girl, it had a foot hold on this world.

Athena transformed without doing anything. She wore tribal wear and held a staff. This staff had a wolves head with it's mouth and it held an orb in it. It looked ancient.

"Inadu." Athena hissed stepping forward.

Inadu looked scared and stepped back. "What's wrong?" Athena teased.

"Nothing." She smirked raising her hand.

Agneta collapsed to the ground, Athena turned her head but wasn't showing any emotions.

"One down." Inadu laughed.

"I know what I have to do." Athena grumbled.

We all watched as Athena raised her hand. Inadu fell to the ground and so did Athena. Inadu screamed in pain as Athena groaned.

Athena held the staff and looked up with her glowing purple eyes, Inadu showed her purple eyes.

"Goodbye." Athena said.

With that they disappeared along with Agneta's body.

"What?!??! Where they go!!!" Niklaus cried.

"She did what she had to." She said appearing.

It was Light, one of Athena's entities.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She is alive but is in another place right now. She created a new holding for Inadu." She said in a graceful voice.

"She can never return." She said lowering her head.

"What?" Nik cried.

"She saved you all because Inadu would have cane for you all." She sighed. "I have to return, all of us are keeping the place closed."

"Is there a way to bring her back?" Nik cried.

"No, if she comes back she'll never be the same. She will be damaged, scared. Might even shift back to a little child. It will all haunt her if she comes back and then you should end her." She said before disappearing.

We all lost our sibling that meant the most to us. Klaus took so far, it was his wife the love of his life. We all spilt up and I died.

A/N okay so basically we are going into the Original show and leaving the vampire diaries. The book will be in Niklaus point of view and some of the others originals from this point forward and also Athena's. Finn died off at the end of this chapter, I won't go in to much detail about it. Freya follows Klaus and Elijah. She probably won't be that much involved in the next few chapters. Elijah and Hayley start off with Elijah hating her.

His Little Wolf | Klaus Mikaelson (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now