Chapter 21

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HopefullyAliveSoon thanks for the cover!!!

|Niklaus P.O.V.|

A woman and a man were standing there, we stood there.

"You guys said I couldn't bring you back yet?" Athena questioned with a confused look on her face.

"We thought you brought us back." She said.

"No, I didn't." She shook her head.

"Why would I?" She questioned.

"I do not know? Go against our wishes maybe?" He frowned.

"If I wanted to go against your wishes then I don't know." Athena frowned.

"Who was that powerful enough to bring us back?" Her mother asked.

"Me!" Inadu shouted.

"You?!?!" Athena gasped and grabbed her stomach.

"A lot has changed has it?" Inadu asked. "Well yeah because you are post to be dead." Athena grumbled.

"I broke free stupid." Inadu scoffed folding her arms.

My siblings came out and gasped. "If you wanna go, then let's go." Athena roared and herstaff appeared.

She studied the staff and saw that the orb was cracked. "You broke my orb!" Athena pouted.

She raised her hand up and some big happened, She split up into two people. Athena was there standing but really didn't seem there. There was this creature of somesorts, it had wolf ears and tail. It's hair color was blonde with purple tips.

"Ah." Inadu said stepping closer to the creature.

"You are good as gone, bow down to me and I might just spare you." It barked turning it head to the side.

"Nope, I don't think so." Inadu said.

It raised it hand up in the air and the ground started shaking. "That was not an offer Inadu."

"I know." She scoffed.

"You have 5 seconds before I rip you limb from limb." It hissed.

"You wouldn't really do that would you? I created your line, you should bow down to me!" She said raising her hand breaking every bone in the wolf's body. She got back up and smirked.

"5" She grinned.

She lanched herself at Inadu and ripped into her neck. She released and turned away from Inadu as she wiped the blood from her mouth. Her face went back to normal and Inadu attacked the wolf with one bite. Athena let out a small scream of pain and a mark appeared where the wolf was bit. The wolf turned around and clawed the right side of Inadu's body.

"Bitch." It scoffed.

Athena's eyes closed as she stood up straight touch her neck, the mark disappeared and her parents rushed by her side. "Why are you doing this? Why can't you let my mother have her way?" Her mother asked.

"Don't talk to me, I need to focus!" Athena scoffed and her eyes opened.

She was controlling the wolf, now I knew.

The wolf was distracted for a split second and Inadu attacked Athena. Athena let out a terrible scream, the wolf fell to it's knees. Blood started to come out of their nose and ears. The wolf stood while Athena held her ears shut, the wolf took of Inadu's head and slurred some ancient dialect.

They were back together, Athena was letting out terrible moans of pain. "No no no no no." She cried out.

"What are the babies okay?" I asked holding her in my arms.

"I am having contractions Nik." She groaned.

I picked her up off her feet and sped into the bedroom and laid her down. Everyone rushed into the room at once.

"We need doctors." Freya said panicking.

"The babies are going to be born too early." Rebekah panicked.

"It's.... It's okay." Athena groaned.

I held her hand tightly. "Don't worry we can deliver the twins." I spoke softly hiding the fear that I felt.

I didn't want the twins to come this early but life happens. I was going to stay by her side throughout this. "I am here." I said kissing her hand.

Hours went by and it felt like torture waiting for her to go into labor...

Finally at 4 pm our twins were born, Niklaus Jr came out first then came Isabella. They were so beautiful and they looked like normal babies not prematures.

A/N Sorry that if I didn't write in a few days I have been a bit busy with the out side world. I been keeping myself busy this actually is the second write of this chapter 21. The first one wa Stefan and Damon making her go in labor but I thought that was to boring if they blow dust in her face. I thought it need some more action. I hope you guys don't care that this is about 600 words written. I am eating dinner and I decided to make this chapter short. The next few chapters will make up for it don't worry. There might be a few months of a time lapse and then it will maybe go along with seaons 4 or 3 of the originals. I am going to make Marcel turn on Athena and Klaus. Maybe Agneta might come back but I don't know just yet because if you recall Freya said the daughter will rise or something like that. Oh and by the rise it mean at the end of the book Agneta and Athena might kill off people but not the originals. She might end up being the devil or something. I don't know yet but there might be multiple books and I'll make it a series of His Little Wolf.

His Little Wolf | Klaus Mikaelson (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now