Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes to find Tyler gone and a note. I picked up the note and read it.

This thing between you and Tyler shouldn't be! You shall always be Niklaus's wife. Stop being a harlot and act like a wife! I can't kill Tyler but I can keep him away from you long enough.

Sincerely Elijah.

"Elijah!" I scoffed.

I got up and ripped the note up. I ran out of the cave and into my car. The keys were in the ignition, I started the car and went home. I walked in to find an upset Mason.

"Elijah took my nephew!" He shouted in rage.

"I know." I said lowering my head.

"I'll play Elijah's game for a while and play like I don't even like Tyler then we'll get him back." I smiled.

"Good Idea!" He said sarcastically.

I raised my hand towards him and he fell to the ground in pain.

"You are in my house Mason!" I shouted.

I let go of my hold on him and fell to my knees crying.

"I hate this!" I cried.

Mason crawled to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay, I am sorry. Tell me what happen." He asked.

"No, I can't." I cried.

"Why?" He asked.

"It haunts me." I hissed.

"Tell me, we have time." He said.

400 years ago.

"Kol, my head hurts!" I cried.

"Doesn't always hurt when we all have our spats?" Kol asked.

"Kol there... It's nothing." I said bitting my tongue.

"Now come on darling tell me." He smiled.

"It haunts me." I said looking at him.

"It?" He asked and I nodded.

"Does it have a name?" He asked.

"Yes but I don't quite yet." I frowned.

He shook his head for me to go on.

"It's ever since I saw my parents that it has been following me. I was so little and let it in." I sobbed.

"What exactly is this it?" He asked as Rebekah came in.

"A female, likes to show up as a blue orb at times." I shrugged.

"Do you still feel the pain?" He asked.

"Not right now." I said.

"Blue orb?" He asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

He held me tightly as we sat on the floor together for a while. I looked at the door and stood up. Mason grabbed my hand and tried to tug me down.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Find Elijah." I hissed.

With that I was gone, I went around town asking vampires who had no clue. I went to Elena's house and I could enter. I guess Jenna died, I walked in and looked around. "Elena? Jeremy?"

They came out of their rooms and ran down the stairs. "He took Jenna!" She cried.

"Klaus?" I asked.

They both nodded.

"Elijah took Tyler." I said opening my arms.

"I thought Elijah would be here." I said.

"No. Try the boarding house." Jeremy said.

"Are you guys okay or do you wanna stay at my place?" I asked.

"Will Klaus be able to get in?" She asked.

"No actually. One of my maids name is under it as a co-signer. She invites people in." I answered.

They ran back upstairs and came down with duffle bags and suit cases. I took them to my house and had Mason show them to their rooms.

"Maybe I don't want my husband to have her just yet." I hissed.

"Turn her." Mason said before showing them their rooms.

I will don't worry, I will have to take more blood.

I left and headed to the boarding house with a dagger in my hand. Elijah was there and I smirked.

"Athena." He said before his eyes met the shiny blood cover dagger.

"Where is Tyler? It's in your best interest that he is found." I growled.

"I will give him up when you show interest in Klaus." He said as Damon and Stefan stood up.

"I have Elena and Jeremy. No vampire can get in unless invited." I smirked.

"We will kill every servant you have!" Stefan hissed.

"I granted her immortality 20 years ago. Yes that's how long I have been in this town." I grumbled.

"A vampire owns your house?" Elijah asked.

"A human owns my house. She is very much compelled not to answer the door." I smirked.

"I could hurt Elena if I don't get Tyler." I smirked.

"Your bluffing." Elijah said.

"Am I? I took her blood yesterday for leverage maybe I'll drain her of all her blood and kill her." I hissed.

"Blood? You drink Doppelganger blood?" Damon asked.

"I know things, I know Esther's loophole to Klaus's spell." I smirked.

"What is it?" Elijah said speeding up to my face.

"Elijah, sorry but I need to do this." I hissed.

"Elijah, where is Tyler?" I compelled him.

"In the basement of this house." He replied.

"Good boy. Now tell Klaus if he wants to play my game he is welcome to join." I smirked.

I went for the basement and Damon stopped me. "If you don't move I will rip your heart out Damon." I growled showing my hybrid face.

He moved out of the way and I ran down the stairs looking for Tyler. I found him knocked out, I raised my hand and the door swung open. He woke up and sped into my arms. "Athena." He said weakly.

"Let's go." I smiled.

We left the boarding house and I went home with Tyler. Elena greeted us at the door.

"Tyler!" She said wrapping her arms around him.

"Elena. I need more blood, just 3 pints more." I paused. "I will heal you and I will give you my blood the night of the sacrifice."

She lost her smiled and frowned. "Will I turn?" She asked.

I shook my head no. "I can make my blood do many things. I can bring you back as human." I smiled.

"Okay." She agreed.

I took her blood and healed her, I gave her a vial of my blood as promise. "In a few days Klaus will come for you. You have to give up and go with him. But before he will come drink the whole vial." I said.

She nodded.

His Little Wolf | Klaus Mikaelson (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now