Hell Bound

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Jeff fidgeted with the rubber bracelets on his arm. He smiled at the memories they brought him. Two were from a vacation he went on with his mom and dad a few months before they had gotten a divorce when Jeff was 14. The third one was from a Football game that he had gone to with Blaine the year before. They were the team logo and a small breast cancer sign on it.

These were two of the few happy memories Jeff had had since his family had begun falling apart. Jeff had once been cheerful all the time and full of life and laughter. Now even his boyfriend Nick was lucky to see that side of him. The cheerfulness had left him, not during the divorce, but when his moms new boyfriend came. Jeff hated the man more then anyone.

Thomas was an idiot. He didn't like Jeff from the beginning and when he found out that Jeff was gay he tried to change that. If Jeff's mom wasn't home and it was just Jeff and Thomas then Thomas would hurt him. He would hit Jeff. Hard. He would hit a 15 year old boy just because he was gay. Jeff couldn't fight back. Thomas was a big, muscular man so when he hit you it hurt. Thomas would also lock Jeff up in the garage. There was no window in there and the only source of light was from a tiny hole in the bottom of the garage door. He would sit in there for hours and hours in the dark garage full of spiders. Once he had been afraid of the bugs but now they didn't bother him. He got used to feeling them crawling over him as he sat, curled up in a corner of his own garage.

Jeff wished that he could live with his dad but he moved to British Columbia a few months after Thomas had come into the picture. Jeff had thought a lot about self harm and suicide during that time but never thought that he would do it. He wanted to see if things would get better first.

Thankfully they did. For a little while at least. When Jeff's mother had become suspicious about random bruises and cuts she assumed Jeff was being bullied because of his sexuality at school so she transferred him to Dalton Academy as soon as she got the chance.

When Jeff had got there he knew no one. Blaine Anderson had quickly introduced himself and that was when Jeff met most of his current friends. Including the love of his life.

Nick was Jeff's everything. Nick had been Jeff's savior for a while. Nick had pulled Jeff out of his depression but Jeff soon fell back into it when he found out about the magic a razor blade could do. Jeff always felt guilty after but he could live with the guilt of hurting himself. This was mainly why he still wore the bracelets. He needed to cover up some of those little scars. They weren't very visible but Jeff still put concealer on them as well as the bracelets to make them less noticeable.

He had been in and put of his depression around the time when Nick had come out to everyone. Jeff had been so relieved at the time because he had a massive crush on Nick. He was thrilled when he found out that Nick had felt the same way. They had began dating a few days after Nick had come out to his parents. This had been 7 months ago and in that 7 months Jeff had started to cut less and less. He would get these periods of time when he just needed to do it but they didn't happen as often as they had before.

Jeff sighed. He was lying on his bed while waiting for his Nick to come back to their room. Nick was supposed be back at 7:00. Jeff glanced at the clock. He sighed again. It was 8:45.

Jeff rolled over so he was hanging upside down from the bed. "Blaine!" He called out loudly.

"What is it Jeffy?" Blaine's head poked out of the bathroom.

"I'm bored! When's Nick coming back?" Jeff rolled off the bed and onto the floor dramatically.

Blaine laughed at the blonde as he turned back into the bathroom. "I don't know. He should be back soon."

"Blaine?" Jeff called a few seconds later. "Blaine!?" Jeff groaned loudly as he heard the shower start in the bathroom. Jeff pulled out his phone and texted his boyfriend again. He stared at his phone for a few minutes after he sent the text and sadly put it away when he didn't get a reply.

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