I'll Protect You

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"Shit!" Jeff yelled. He had just cut himself again. He hadn't cut in such a long time and the temptation of both of the blades he had was killing him. He had decided that he wanted to do a little bit more damage so he grabbed an Exacto-knife from the Art Room.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." He repeated loudly to himself. It was his wrist that was bleeding this time. Jeff, being the stupid dumbass he was, cut over the vain on his wrist that was now hurting like hell.



Nick must've come back. Jeff had taken out the knife just before 7:00 and Nick wasn't expected back until 8:00. Jeff always stalled himself before cutting but he knew that he hadn't stalled that long. He would just lightly run the blade over his skin and then press really hard with it.

"Jeff? Open the door!" Nick was knocking at the door to get into the room. Jeff hadn't bothered going to the bathroom and was now sitting on the floor by the foot of his bed, He was thankful that had locked the front door just in case.

Jeff began feeling extremely light headed. "I'm sorry Nick." He said, making sure he was loud enough for Nick to hear. Jeff stopped trying to stop the bleeding and shrunk to the ground. He watched helplessly as the blood flowed from his wrist and down his forearm. 'How could you be so stupid Jeff? The pain in his wrist was excruciating. He just wanted the pain to stop. He just wanted everything to stop. He didn't want to continue on as the wounded and broken person he was now. He didn't want to continue on with anything anymore.

Jeff heard a click of the door being unlocked as he was swallowed up into a sea of blackness.




Nick had gone to play lacrosse with Blaine, Sebastian, Hunter and a few other boys. They were supposed to play until 8:00 but the game got cut about 30 minutes short as it had began to rain. Nick was now walking back up to the room with Blaine and Kurt, who had come to watch.

"Crap I don't have my key!" Nick cursed as he tried opening the door.

"Mine's in Kurt's room." Blaine told him. "I'll go grab it." Blaine disappeared behind a door and left Kurt and Nick waiting for his return.

"Why is it locked anyway?"

Kurt was right. Why was the door locked? The only reason that Nick could think that Jeff would lock the door would be if-no. "Jeff!" Nick began pounding on the door.

"I'm sorry Nick." He heard Jeff's voice come from the other side of the door.

"Oh Jeff." Kurt mumbled quietly. Blaine came out of Kurt's room with the key. When he saw the panicked look on both Nick and Kurt's faces he sped up and quickly opened the door.

The three boys burst through the door as quickly as they could. Blaine instantly wrapped an arm around Kurt who was tearing up at the sight of Jeff who was unconscious at the foot of his own bed with a pool of blood on the floor under his arm.

"Oh Jeffy. I'm so so sorry." Nick had taken off his clothes to try and soak up the blood from Jeff's still bleeding arm.

Nick couldn't remember much after that. What he could remember was in bits and pieces. He had been talking to Jeff's unconscious figure, saying how sorry he was and how much he loved him until the ambulance had come. He remembered the looks other boys from Dalton gave the three boys as Jeff was carried out of the room. Blaine had driven him and Kurt to the hospital so they could see Jeff.

Nick didn't know how long he had been waiting at the hospital for. By the time he was able to see Jeff it had become night and the stars were out and Nick was watching them intensely. Doctors had come and gone from Jeff's room for a long time. Every time that one left, Nick's head would perk up until he realized that the doctor was walking away and then he would stare out the window again with another deep look of concentration. Blaine had been trying to force some food into him when a doctor walked out of Jeff's room.

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