He's back

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Jeff and Nick walked in Hayden's house. Jasper and Hayden had just had a huge fight which involved lots of yelling before Jasper stormed out. Jasper had just gotten in his car and drove away.

Hayden was sitting on the ground leaning against the side of the couch. He didn't even look up when the two boys opened the door again and walked in. He sat staring blankly out the window. He let out a strangled sob when Jasper's car drove past the window.

"It's okay bud." Nick sat on the floor with Hayden and put his arm around him. Hayden just kept staring out the window.

"Hayden do you want to talk to us?" Jeff asked, joining his boyfriend and friend on the floor.

Hayden took a deep breath in but didn't say anything. After a few minutes he mumbled, "He's really gone isn't he?"

Nick nodded. Hayden just buried his head in his hands. "Hayden," Nick instantly started trying to comfort the boy.

"Leave." He snapped.

"Hayden we want to help you." Jeff said.

"Leave! Get out of my house!" Hayden shouted and practically pushed the boys out the door.

"I could smell it." Nick said quietly.

"Smell what."

"The smoke on his breath."

Jeff sighed. "Maybe we should go find Jasper." Nick nodded and the two got in Nick's car. They had been driving around randomly before Nick said, "Where would Jasper even be?"

Jasper had no home. He lived with Hayden. His mom obviously wouldn't take him back, especially since she was convinced that it was his fault for his fathers death. Neither Jeff or Nick knew about any other family members Jasper had and they didn't know about any other friends he had. Jeff sighed as the two just kept driving.




Jasper just left Hayden. Hayden had changed so much in so little time. He couldn't handle it. Hayden needed help but he refused to get it. He didn't know what else to do. He just left.

He wasn't coming back. It killed him just thinking about it. He couldn't go back to Hayden until he picked himself up and apologized for being such a douche.

Jasper didn't know where to go now. He drove around for a while before going into a deserted looking restaurant. Jasper took a seat at the bar a few seats away from a tall boy with brown hair. Jasper looked at him but quickly looked away when the boy caught his glance.

The brunette got up and sat next to Jasper. "Hello there." The boy said. Jasper smiled and said hi back. "I couldn't help but notice you staring at me."

"O-oh I'm so sorry." Jasper quickly apologized.

"Oh no, don't be sorry. I don't mind it. You're pretty good looking yourself." The boy smiled. "How about I give you my number?"

"S-sure." He tried to cover his stutter as he handed his phone over to the stranger. The boy typed something in before handing it back.

"See you around Blondie."

"It's Jasper."

"I'll stick with Blondie."

Jasper smiled as the boy walked out. He checked his phone where the boy put his number. 'Thats a nice name'. He thought as he looked at the contact name. "Sebastian." He said aloud and smiled to himself.

"Wait!" Jasper called. Sebastian turned around.

"Yes Blondie?"

"What are you up to now."

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