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"Where are you going?" Sebastian asked Jasper.

"I told you Sebastian. I have to take Hayden to therapy so he can get better." Jasper explained as he shut his phone off. Sebastian nodded and looked at his shoes sadly. Jasper had been living with him for 4 days now and he had a major crush on the blonde.

"Well I hope he gets better."

"Me too. I hate seeing him hurt." Jasper put his shoes on and stood up to open the door. "Bye Sebastian."

"See ya later Blondie."

Jasper drove to Hayden's in about 25 minutes. He managed to get Hayden out of the house and in the car after another half hour before driving to the therapist. They ended up getting there 5 minutes late even though Jasper had left Sebastian's 10 minutes early.

"I have an appointment for Hayden Taylor." Jasper said to the receptionist behind the counter.

"Right this way." She said with a smile as she directed the two boys to a room down a long hallway. They stopped at the third door on the right.

"I'm not talking if he can't stay with me." Hayden declared stubbornly to the therapist when he walked into her office.


"No it's fine sweetie, you can stay." The therapist patted a seat on the couch. The boys sat together holding hands as Hayden began to talk to the therapist.




Jeff did not handle it well. Nick literally had to pick up his boyfriend and carry him to the car as he kicked and screamed and tried to get away. Nick had tried to be nice and hold his hand but Jeff wasn't falling for it. Nick had even bribed him with kisses and it almost work but Jeff held his ground.

"Nick please!" He cried desperately. "Let me go! I don't wanna go!" Nick ignored Jeff and shut him in the car. Jeff tried to get out but Nick locked the door, only unlocking it for the second it took for him to get in the drivers seat.

Jeff was crying and yelling at Nick for the 40 minutes it took to get to the therapist office. He asked Nick over and over to take him home but Nick wouldn't do it. It killed him seeing Jeff like this but he knew it had to be done.

"Please don't be mad." Nick said as he lifted Jeff out of the car. Jeff scowled at Nick and climbed out of the brunette's arms. He walked beside Nick. Jeff didn't want to be carried and he was to tired to fight Nick away and he didn't want to be carried. He would just have to show Nick that therapy wasn't going to help anything.

"I have an appointment for Jeffrey Sterling." Nick told the receptionist. Jeff was planted in a chair still glaring at his boyfriend.

"She'll be out soon." The lady said to Nick before he joined Jeff. Nick grabbed Jeff's hand as the two sat there. A few minutes later they were called in.

"Are you Jeff?" A short black haired lady asked Nick when him and Jeff walked into the room.

"No I'm Nick. I'm Jeff's boyfriend. Are you Mrs Thompson?" Nick asked. The lady nodded.

"Please, just call me Maryann." She set down with a smile and gestured for Nick and Jeff to do the same.

"So what brings you here?" Maryann asked Jeff. He said nothing. "Jeff, honey, we can't help you if we don't know what's going on. Jeff still remained silent.

"What are you like?" She kept asking.

"What are your hobbies? Do you play any sports?"

"What school do you go to?"

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