All is Well that Ends Well!

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Sana POV
After spending another 16 hours in my real world I finally got transported back to IPKKND. And here I am....back on the day when Arnavji helped Khushi in Laxmi Nagar. Remember the day when she alone took care of serving meals to a 15 to 20 people. Yup the same day.

My dress was the proof of that. A shiny orange tight fitted churidar. I was cooking out in the open along with some cooks. When suddenly I got a call from Anjaliji.
Oh My God...I hope this means what I think it means.
I quickly looked around to check if ASR had arrived or not. Thankfully he did not. Yet.
"Hello.." I said imitating Khushi's pathetic accent.
"Khushiji...your investigation results are out. Can you come to Devi Maiyya's big temple in an hour. I want to talk." Anjali Jha was no longer present...only a sharp and intelligent Anjali Singh Raizada...sister to ASR...ordered me.

"Yes Di. I will be there." My tone depicting understanding and determination.
We did not say much over the phone but our words revealed all the secrets clearly.

I cut the call and then immediately ordered Preeto to take care of the rest of it.
"Khushi..." Arnavji's husky voice stopped me from going ahead.
I turned back towards him to see a happy smile on his face. I am sorry my man. But right now its the matter of ensuring that a cruel devil does not uses a good natured woman.

With the least hesitancy I quickly closed the distance between us and hugged him. He too returned the hug but confusion was clear in the way he held me.
"Khushi whats wrong..?" He asked softly.
"You once promised a woman in front of me that you will do anything for her happiness. Its time to stay true to your words." I stated.

"What?...what Promise Khushi? What are you saying? You are talking about which woman? Because I have only made such a promise to..." his sentence trailed.

"Yes...Anjali Di. Come with me Arnavji. Its time." With that I dragged him towards his car and we took off to DMs temple.

One hour later...

Three people sat on the last few steps of the temple. Three lives suddenly took a new and unexpected turn.
Anjali Di looked more like a woman who for the first time found herself. No tears visible in her eyes. Only a want for justice and freedom.

While ASR looked all angry and shell shocked. He wanted to destroy Shyam Manohar Jha. For probably destroying the happiness of the two most important women in his life. I suppose only Di's strong hold on his hand was stopping him from making a move.

And then there was me. I felt calm and peace. I was satisfied with the way things had progressed. Atleast I acted totally opposite to Khushi. I seriously did not want to be a sacrificial lamb. That is not Sana like at all.

After another moment of silence.
"You knew...on that day of Satyanarayan Pooja you knew how he betrayed you and your family. You were in pain and shock. You were hurt. And I was introducing you to him not even realizing the fact that I was making you greet that good for nothing human being who was your fiance." Anjali Di's unneeded apology was making its way to my ears.

"And I asked you Khushi. Again and again. Whats the problem. You did not answer. Why? You could have shared these things with me. Why did you not? WHY? YOU SHOULD HAVE CONFIDED IN ME!" ASRs voice became louder with every word.

"Firstly...Di you are not at fault here. We were both betrayed and cheated in the worst possible way. And no one should be blamed here. Its all that snakes fault. Ok.

Secondly...Arnavji I wanted a concrete proof to make you both believe my words. I mean you guys would have thought that I am going through some misunderstanding of sorts. Afterall he is someone who has been fooling you guys for so many years. And I am someone who you know for what...say a few months? Now the reports are in front of you. This guy is cheat, disgusting and a good for nothing leech. Yup, a leech who wants to suck out all the wealth of you Raizadas."
I said in a calm and composed manner.

"DAMN IT! HE IS A BAS***D...I WILL SCREW HIM. HOW DARE HE BETRAY MY SISTER...HOW DARE HE HURT MY GIRL...HE IS DEAD..HE IS SO DEAD.." Saying so he got up and walked away to his car.

I was doing a little dance in my mind hearing his angry yet sweet words. But then came back to the real...I mean Ipkknd world.

Me and Di shared a look and then followed him. I held his hand firmly to stop him from moving away.
"I know. I know how you are feeling right now. I have been through this. But guess what. This time we will trap him using his own tactics. Why not teach him a lesson for life. Lets pretend all of this did not happen. Lets hatch a plan and get our act together. For once lets show him what Raizadas can do for one another if things ever go wrong. You with me?" I asked in a composed manner.

He looked at me for a while. Probably wondering where the hell is that KKG who would have shed tears in such a situation. Sorry Arnav but I am not her, atleast not in this reality.
"I am with you, always." He said in a rough yet emotional tone.

And it was in this crucial moment that I could not help but blush hearing his words. From the corner of my eye I noticed Di smiling slightly at his brothers words. Hmmm our secret match maker knows it all. I thought.
"Chotte Khushiji is right. I believe we can expose him very easily now. But he can be dangerous too. Because as per the reports Shyam is responsible for her Babuji's illness. Why not do things his way? Lets pretend nothing is wrong. Lets not spoil Payash marriage.  I promise the next day....after their wedding...We will reveal everything together to both the families. But till then no one will loose their tempers. And Chotte stick to Khushiji like a shadow. Do not let that Shyam the snake to corner her." Anjali Di declared.

Seeing Di like that both Arnavji and I hugged her. For the first time I felt relieved being in this universe. I brought justice to an innocent soul without making a fuss out of it. Yup I did it. After a while all three of us left the temple and headed back to our places.
Di left in another car while Arnavji dropped me home. Before I could make a move and step out of the car My Man stopped me. A strong hand held my wrist. I turned around to see what was wrong when rough but soft lips came in contact with my cheek.
"I promise to respect the trust you showed in me. You will get justice Khushi. Its my promise to you. And once this Jha issue is resolved I will talk to Buaji once and for all. I will let her know that there is no need to hunt for a groom for you." Saying so he winked at me.

I turned a little red seeing this side of him. But then returned the wink to make him know that I am with him too on this.

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