Grand Finale

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Arnav POV
"I cannot handle that creep any longer." I growled while pacing in my room.
Di sighed deeply in response from the recliner while Khushi simply stood leaning on the back of the recliner. Her hand on Di's shoulder for support.

It was the next day of Payash wedding. And at sharp 6am Di had woken me up along with Khushi who arrived early to make sure that things went according to our plan. Yup. A well organized plan. Today at the breakfast table we will expose him. And we wont be alone. Gupta family, Happyji, and a few neighbors of Khushi will be joining us too, as witnesses. All the documents of investigation along with the monetary transactions Jha has made in the past few years will act as another proof. Everything is set. Even the police has been informed. Just one more hour. I thought. Try to sleep well in the comforts of Shantivan. Because this will be the last amount of peaceful sleep that you will get Shyam.

"You dont need to feel angry anymore Arnavji. I promise this is the last of the pains and hurt that creep has caused all of us. Its time for him to accept his crimes." Khushi stated with a determined look.
I nodded at her. But then looked at Di. She has not uttered much. And I cannot even understand what she must be going through. Digesting betrayal aint easy.
" alright?" I asked going down on my knees and trying to read her face.
"I am fine Chotte. You dont need to worry about me. I am not so fragile that a Shyam Manohar Jha can break me. I am just being thankful to DM you know, I was....I was planning to start a family with him. However, now I am happy that something like that did not happen. I will become a mother Chotte when the time is right, I will. But one thing is for sure, this snake Shyam needs to know that how powerful is a Raizadas blood. He is unaware of our not he?" She declared with pride.
"He is Di. He definitely is." And at that moment I knew that Di will be able to come out from this bad phase of her life. Her heart is broken but not her spirit.

Sana POV
Watching those two Raizada I could not help but shed a few tears. For a minute I hesitated...are we ready for this...I thought. But then I recalled all those moments which happened in my reality. Ipkknd was practically ruined due to Jha. And this time I will change things. I had promised myself. Yup. Time to keep my promise.

"Chotte...I will just freshen up. You come down for breakfast soon. We will start as soon as the Gupta family and their neighbors arrive." Saying so Di got up and left me and Arnavji to organise ourselves for the  next step.
As soon as Di left...without another thought I went ahead and hugged my Arnie. Poor soul looked crushed after seeing his Di in such a state.
"I am with you always Arnavji. And this is just the beginning. We will fight each and every battle together from now on. Thats my promise to you." I said to him. And in return I felt him tightening his hold on me ten folds. For a while I simply stood soaking it all in. His love. His passion. His fears.

Slowly he partially left my embrace only to grab my face between his hands and touched our foreheads together.
"Never. Never go away from me. You are the only thing that keeps my head above the water. Just keep doing that." He said in a rough voice.
"Always. We are stuck together." I said trying to reassure him.

"I think you need a goodluck kiss.." I said softly in his ears while caressing the hair above his neck.
"I do...I really do." Arnavji replied with a glorious smirk. His hands rubbing my waist in satisfaction. And hearing his words I simply touched his lips with mine. We stood there, in his room for really long. Kissing and promising each other. This time love overshadowed lies. I thought with a smile.

"Are you ready..." Arnavji asked.
"We are ready.." I said holding his hand in mine, making him smile slightly. Pheww. He finally smiled. I cannot see a sad look on my loves face.
And then we walked downstairs, fully prepared to fight out the common enemy.
The Raizadas were sitting with smiles on their faces. I am so sorry guys. This wont last for long I thought. That creepy snake sat beside Anjali ji giving all fake smiles as usual. Di was acting like everything was normal but her eyes were a different story.
"Arey...Khushi betiya..what are you doing here early in the morning? I thought you will be coming with your family a few hours later?" Naniji questioned while Shyam was staring daggers at me. Pathetic nutcase I tell ya...
"Actually I called her early Nani." Di said in a calm voice.
"But why..."  Nani's voice was cut off with greetings of Gupta family who had joined the family with their neighbors.
"HHBB in laws are here already, we were not expecting.." Mamiji started her daily dose of comments when Arnavji stopped her in his ASR avatar.
"One sec Mami. I have called them here. And now I think its time that everything should be revealed clearly...right Shyam Jha?" Arnavs question echoed in the dining hall.
And that very moment luck stopped favoring Shyam.

20 minutes later in the living room....
3rd Persons POV







Yup. These sounds were of Shyam Manohar Jha being beaten the hell out a lot of people. He was surrounded. All those whom he betrayed were hell bent on taking out their frustration and hurt on him.

The people who circled him included Sana/Khushi, Buaji, Anjali, Arnav, Akaash, Payal, Mamiji and last but not the least Laxmiji. Till now Jha was tortured by Arnavs and Akaashs punches, Khushi Anjali and Payals slaps, Buaji and Mamijis broom and not to forget the head bangs of Laxmiji.
And the police was trying really hard to convince them to let Shyam go. He was now in police custody. Everyone stopped except for Laxmiji and Mamiji.
"Manorama please stop now.." Naniji pleaded yet again but nothing really seemed to be getting in her head. After another few requests she let him go. Eventually Laxmiji too got tired.

"Please take him away from my sight Inspector. And remember justice should be served. Do not let him go easily. Dig and dig deeply. Find as many crimes of his as you can. And I want to file for a divorce. You will hear from my lawyer some time soon." Anjali...finally Raizada spoke sharply.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....No....No Anjali....dont let them take me...I dont want to be imprisoned......Aaaaaaaah..." Shyams cries slowly faded as he was made to leave Shantivan.

A few hours later...
Sana POV

Thank god. Thank goodness, things are good now. I finally feel that a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I looked with pride all around me. Naniji took care of Di. Payash looked worried but had love and trust for one another. And Arnavji actually looked satisfied. He had finally fulfilled his promise. A promise made by a brother to protect her sister throughout her life. He turned around to look at me. When his eyes locked with mine I gave him a reassuring smile and joined my hand in the shape of a heart...showing him that our future was now full of roses and no thorns. He sighed in relief and then winked at me.

He then did something that made me gasp outloud.
"Thats it. I think the only way to uplift the gloomy mood of my Di is...another wedding in the house. What do you say Khushi....Shall we get married?"
Tadaaaaaaaa....and its the end folks. And this is how in a constructive manner I took out all my anger on the creatives of Ipkknd. This is my version of my favourite series. And no one can take that away from us friends!

                                        Arshi 4evr❤️❤️💛💛💙💙

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