One: A boy on the porch and a the bad news...

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I slammed my hand down on the button on my phone. I slowly opened my eyes to see what was happening. I sat up in my bed very slowly, only to notice that I wasn't in my bed this time. I was on the couch. Wow. Typical me.

Since I was downstairs, I decided to make myself some breakfast. When I stood up I heard voices outside on the porch. The only reason I could hear the people talking was because the slider door was open a crack. 

I slowly, but carefully tip-toed towards the back door, making sure I didn't make a peep. As I reached the door I could hear two voices.

My mom..

And some boy I didn't know. Woah, what? Mom never approved of me dating any boys, or having them over. So why in the world is this boy in my backyard? I must be going insane. No, I'm going mental. Wait, is it just me...or i that boy the popular boy from school? Looks like.

I slowly started to walk backwards away from the door, still looking at him. While I was busy staring at him and my mother, I backed into a wall and hit the table. The boys eyes shot up to me and I moved to the side and backed away. As I turned away from him and started walking to the kitchen I heard him chuckle silently. 'REALLY?!'  I shouted in my head.

When I reached the kitchen I wen't over to the pantry. I pulled out some Honey Nut Cheerio's and put them on the counter. I then slid across the floor to the fridge, thanks to my socks. I grabbed the milk and a little cream to make it sweet. What? Don't judge me! I then grabbed a bowl and sat down at the island. 

I poured my cereal into my bowl and then added the milk and cream. I sat up from the bar and headed towards the couch. Once I sat down I grabbed my phone and the reomote, setting down my cereal of course.

I flipped through the channels until I got to Modern Family. The show is weird, so am I. Perfect pair. Anyway, I picked up my phone, unlocked it, and went to youtube. It is the only place I can express myself. On my channel, wich is UnFairMaiden334, I do covers of tons of different songs. 

Oh my, I've done it again. I put my own problems before telling you guys what I look like. 


Hair Colour: Bright Neon Colors

Eyes: Neon Green

Skin: Pale...

And thats what I look like so yeah. Most people think I'm a freak of nature, which I'm pretty sure I'm human. Like...really sure... I'm human. Anyways....

As I was scrolling through the good and bad comments on my video's, my mom walked in without the boy. He was kinda hot. I guess. I've never had a boyfriend. I've never experienced love at first sight. Or love in general.

"Honey, I was just talking to a boy about school..." My mom trailed off, snaping me away from my phone. "What about it?" I asked nervously.

"Wellllllllll...." She said dragging out the 'L'. 

"YouaremovingtoCanadawithyourdadforafewyears." She said in one breath, while panting a little at the end.

"What?! But I love Ocala! I dont wanna go!!" I said angrily. "You have to or I am taking ALL of your electronics away for a year." She said. Her tone serious. "Fine! I'll go but dont touch my babies!!" I said almost pouting.

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