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The whole way home I felt like I wanted to move, but at the same time I didn't want to. I'm so confused right now.

I started jogging, then full out running. I love the way the wind brushes past my hair. How come I've never run before? It's so much fun!


Once I was at the door I carefully slipped inside. I was greeted by a sleeping mother on the couch. LOL.This always happens.

I went up to my room to get a quick shower, when  I noticed all the boxes. So I guess before a shower I'll have to pack up. Great. SARCASM PEOPLE!!

I grabbed a few boxes and started on my dresser first. I started packing my bra and undies, when the doorbell rang. I skipped down the steps until I was at the door. I opened up the door and was greeted by some stupid jock from school.

I imediately became shy because I was in a sports bra and shorts.

" met my brother today, right? Yes, ok. Watch out for him." He said. "What do you-"

"I know you saw him today. Be careful of him. Don't go near him. Got it?"


"Good" He said as I shut the door. 

What does he mean by 'be careful' ? It makes no sense to me. 

I ran upstairs to finish packing. I finished putting all my clothes in and decided to hit the hay. Tomorrow we are leaving around..12-ish in the afternoon. So I'm good.

It was about 11 pm. Woah, wait, what? It was just...oh..I forgot I packed my clothes. Ok. That makes sense then.

I shut all the lights of upstairs and went back to my room. I shut every light in my room off except for my bedside table lamp. I climbed onto my 'bed'. It was just two matress' on the floor, stacked up. But I love this room, so yeah.

I shut the light off and curled into my blanket. Taking in the last few hours I have in this room. I'm gonna miss this place, I thought.

And With That, I Was Asleep.


Hope The 5 People That Read This Like It. THX GUYS!



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DU-BAI ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 

xx Ari xx

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