Dean x Reader: Dean's Pie

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     Periods are a pain, literally and metaphorically, in more ways than one. There's obviously the cramps and all the blood. Then there's the mood swings and craving. I can handle the blood and mood swings and even the cramps, but I what I can't handle is the sugary food cravings. Literally, all I want when I'm on my period is to be left alone and chocolate, candy, ice cream, cake, anything that is sugary and sweet.

      That's why I'm rummaging through the bunker's refrigerator looking for something to satisfy my sugar need. I groaned as I found nothing I wanted. I am seriously starting to consider calling Gabriel to ask him to give me candy in exchange for a kiss or something. Just as I was about to give up all hope and summon Gabriel I noticed something I hadn't before. It was the last slice of Dean's pie; it was cherry pie, my favorite. I knew that Dean would get angry if someone ate his pie, especially the last slice, but I honestly didn't care at the moment.

     Taking the pie slice out of the fridge, I placed the piece on a plate and left the kitchen for the living room. I plopped down on the couch and carefully balanced the plate on my knee, searching for the tv remote.  Turning on the tv, once I had located the remote, I was greeted with some history channel talking about a supposedly possessed or cursed doll. I rolled my eyes, not believing for a second the doll was possessed or cursed. Switching through the channels, I tried to find anything I was in the mood to watch. I finally decided on watching some baking challenge. Delicately I broke off a bite of the pie with my fork and placed it in my mouth, savoring the sweet taste of the cherries.

      "Is that my pie?" Dean asked in shock, having just walked into the room. "Yeah," I said with nonchalance before taking another bite. "Is that my last piece of pie?" He asked, emphasizing last. "Yes," I said a bit irritably. Anger flashed across his face before his expression became eerily calm. "Now, why would you eat my pie?" Dean asked calmly, slowly crossing the open space of the living room to where I was sitting on the couch. "Because, I was hungry and wanted something sweet, your pie was the best choice. Now, if I were you I'd stop bothering me because I'm moody, hungry, and in pain. Not a very good combination Dean." I sassed before stuffing a rather large bite of pie in my mouth.

     "Why are you in pain? Is there anything I can do?" Dean asked, concern filling his voice. "It's because I'm on my period," I grumbled, just beginning to start my rant. "What you can do is either leave me alone before I get pissed, stay here and piss me off, or you could go out, but me a whole lot of chocolate, possibly also a pie for us to share, then come back, cuddle and watch my favorite shows with me. Because suddenly I'm feeling very lonely and sad." I said, beginning to tear up.

     Dean gently smiled, pushing some hair out of my face. "Alright, I'll get you your chocolate and a pie. I'll be back soon." He said then kissed my forehead and left. "He better be back soon," I grumbled then turned back to my show and pie.

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