Castiel and Preteen, Adopted Winchester Reader: Experiencing Grace

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     Sometimes Sam and Dean are ridiculous. And when I say ridiculous I don't mean the funny ridiculous. I mean the annoying, aggravating ridiculous. The, 'what do you mean I can't go?' ridiculous. The, 'you're being unreasonable!' ridiculous. Now, I will admit Dean does this more than Sam, but this time they both were. And you know what happens when they agree, you don't even have a chance to negotiate the decision. Even if you do it's all in vain, they won't listen to you.

     That's how I got left behind at the bunker while Sam and Dean went to investigate and destroy what they believe to be a vampire nest. It's not all bad though, I hate dealing with vampires anyway. I just wish Dean trusted me enough to not mess up if I went with them. Just because I'm still considered a kid doesn't mean I can't do anything. I know they just want to keep my safe but if they don't take me with them now how am I supposed to learn to protect myself when I'm an adult.

     Even though there are good things to being left at the bunker there are also negative things about being left behind. Like, I have to go to school and end up getting assigned to reading 40 pages of The Black Arrow in one night. I already hate English and my teacher, Ms. Reyes, enough. If she thinks that assigning that much reading and a personal experience paper rough draft for one night will make me like her and her class she's very wrong.

     Setting down the old copy of The Black Arrow in my lap I let out a frustrated and tired groan as I rubbed my sore eyes. I was only halfway through the reading and still had to write that paper and it's almost seven. Sure, that doesn't seem all that late but I still have history and a ton of pre-algebra homework to do. And no, I did not procrastinate doing my work. I only got home about one hour and fifteen minutes ago because of basketball practice. On top of all this homework I have, I still have to eat, do my laundry, and take a shower.

       From all this stress and reading a headache has formed and what had been a dull throbbing has transformed into the feeling of a truck running over my head while blasting Metallica at full volume. I started massaging my temples, hoping to relieve some of the pain. When that didn't work I placed a bookmark in The Black Arrow and set it to the side, standing from my bed. As I left my room with the kitchen in mind I tried to make as little noise as possible as to not worsen the oncoming migraine.

     Finally making it to the kitchen I grabbed a glass from the cupboard, filling it with water from the sink. Grabbing and Advil from the medicine cabinet I popped it in my mouth before washing it down with water. Now, I can hopefully get some work done once the medicine kicks in, which will likely be a half hour or forty minutes.

      Bringing my refilled glass of water with me I trudged back to my room. I placed down the glass on my bedside table then sat down on my bed, ready to try and resume my tedious homework. "There you are (Y/n), I've brought you your favorite food," Castiel said over the sound of his flapping wings. I let out a scream at the sudden presence and ended up throwing The Black Arrow up in the air, the book landing face down on the floor. I groaned and held my head, screaming like that certainly hadn't helped my headache.

     "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Cas asked in concern, setting down the bag that had my (favorite food) on my bed. "Please speak quieter, I have a massive headache and me screeching like that just made it worse. I just took some Advil and am still waiting for it to kick in. And on top of all of this, I have a whole ton of homework I'm not even close to finishing, laundry to do, I have to eat and take a shower all before bed and school tomorrow." I explained, looking up into Castiel's concerned eyes.

     "I understand, but I think you should eat first, things might lighten up after you're done," Castiel whispered, placing the bag on my lap. I sighed, at least he quieted down like I asked him to. "Maybe you could help me out a bit with my homework by reading some of my homework to me." I said, my gaze falling onto the abandoned book. As I ate Cas read to me which brought me much closer to finishing my homework, lightening some of the stress I was feeling.

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