Chapter Two-The Night Before

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  ~Hannah's POV~

  It's finally the night before! Makaela's getting married tomorrow! Yay! I'm really happy for her! She deserves to get married, unlike me...

Anyway, enough about that. Time to get ready for the bachelorette party!

I applied makeup to my face--my deformed face--after taking a shower. I then I blow-dry my hair, making it poofy and static-ey. I rolled my eyes as I straightened it, pulling it into a tight bun.

I was finally ready, now all I had to do was put my dress on. It was an aqua blue mid-thigh with blue high heels. It wasn't even expensive. I got it a Good Will for only 12.95.

But anyway, once I wiggled it on, I realized I had a figure. Since I'm used to wearing baggy t-shirts, sweatpants, and uggs.

I was still staring at myself in the mirror, when I got a text from Makaela.

Hey, r u ready to go?

Yea, y? R u here already?


Kk, be right out

I grabbed my phone and wallet, stuffed them in my bachelorette bag, and walked out the door.

~Ethan's POV~

I was super nervous. I was the best man and so I had to walk with the maid of honor. That's why I was nervous. She was ugly. To other people at least. To me, looks don't matter. I mean, if I called her ugly, I wouldn't have much room to talk, seeing as I have EXTREME acne.


It was an ordinary day at school. For me anyways. Kids picking on me, calling me ugly, fat, worthless. This was ordinary. I could handle it.

But the one thing, the one person, I could never handle, was




He never left me alone. He was bisexual, so I always thought he was picking on me because he liked me. Nope. He picked on me because he wanted to be my friend. How dumb is that?

*mimics Mark* Oh, you stupid and fat and ugly you worthless piece of shit. Wanna be mah fren?

I mean, how dumb can he get? He was muscular, and a jock, and oh, so, handsome...

Uh, I mean, whatever! I'm not gay, or bisexual, I am as straight as a raw spaghetti noodle! I just.... Uh.....



Hey guys! First of all, I wanted to say look at this drawing my friend, Maxseptic , made for me!

Second of all,  I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you did, PUNCH that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS!! And, *whispers in Mic* high fives all around WAPOOSH WAPOOSH! I will see all you doods, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!

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Second of all,  I hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you did, PUNCH that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS!! And, *whispers in Mic* high fives all around WAPOOSH WAPOOSH! I will see all you doods, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!



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