The Aftertaste

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I remember this is your favorite you too..
I swallow the last of my coffee,
And I wince at the bitter taste,
I think that maybe I should stop
Drinking it. I think that maybe I
Shouldn't get used to the taste of it on my lips, for all I know that it would be bitter next time I'll have it.
I could not see the appeal of coffee. While it went down
Smooth. I could feel the quiet sweetness of it, but still it was not enough to match the remnants of the bitter aftertaste.
I remember this is your favorite
You took it dark, with 2 tablespoons of sugar. I feel like a fool for remembering, but I take it that way too.
Back when we were in love, I
Couldn't understand why you,
The definition of tea, could be so
Drawn to coffee. But I understand now. You are one in the same.
Once you're gone, the only thing
Left_the only thing always there,
Is the bitter aftertaste, but the
Thing is , I'd never stop drinking it,
You are an addiction I cannot kick away, because I'd rather have the
Darkest part of you than to have
Nothing from you.

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