A New Start

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I never thought I'd find someone who could understand me and love me the way you do
I am complicated yet so simple
I am a maze that i, myself, lost myself in it, let alone a stranger
I crave love, intimacy, safety and care
Is it too much to ask? Then why I've struggled my whole life to find that
I lost hope of meeting my soul mate, my partner in crime, my significant other, until i met you
You are everything i wanted and longed for
You have the beauty and brains 🧠

i cannot wait for the day i hug you so tight and get your touch imprinted on my skin so we can feel one in two bodies
I wake up every morning realizing how lucky I am to have you, i still not believe it and i try to make myself believe it;you are mine and i am yours
What goodness i have did to deserve you
I fell for you like i never did before or even if i did, the past experiences are worth nothing compared to you
I try my best to express my feelings for you but I'm still in awe
You don't know what I'm ready to do for you, for your sake I'll cancel all the terrible things and facts from the world and only leave the sweetest parts
You are my lucky charm
I'm the knight in a shining armor fueled by your energy, feign the path to our future together
Together, forward to our happy new beginnings
"you must have a
for a heart
how else
could a man
be this sweet"

AbyssTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon