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So y'all have that sort of feeling of emptiness. Like completely and utterly empty till u can sense the void eating u away. I tried several times to get in touch with the positive side of life but why lying to one's self. There's no bright side. The world is blind. Nobody truly cares.
I turned to art to get in touch with the darkness inside me, it's flooding. I'm not sure if I can make an aesthetic piece of art cuz what i discovered inside of me is a mere reflection of reality, of the heinous world. Nothing fascinating about that. It hurts so much, i can feel the pain smothering me. I can't figure out whether this is normal or it's only a just just temporary whim. Some part of me wants to be set free of this nonsensical shit. The other part is searching for a way to turn this misery into art. Why would i want to do that. What art? For what purpose?

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