two half of a broken heart

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                                                                                         Chapter 3:

Ben was sitting next to the window, drawing random things on it using the fog, while Peter was sitting in his side of the cabin, reading on his desk one of the comics he had brought with him.
Inside the isolation cabin, the only sounds were heavy raindrops falling on the rooftop, along with the echoes of children screaming, as they tried to escape from the storm. In a blink of an eye, the silence was broken when one of the windows suddenly burst opened. The violent noise was nerve-shaking, the wind was so strong and unexpected, that it knocked the comic out of Peter's hands, along with the tin container, that had all of the pictures that he had brought with him, to the ground.

Peter quickly got up to try to close the window, but it was stuck. Ben soon came to his aid and with their combined strength they managed to close it. Peter kneel down on the ground and started picking up all of the pictures as fast as he could. With Ben quickly joining him.

Ben handed him a stack of photos.

" Thanks".
Peter took them and put them in their places.

"...Did any of them get ruined?"
Ben asked in a sheepish voice.

"No... well, except for Luke Skywalker, the water got his face, but if he can handle losing a hand, he can handle this."
He picked up his comic book, to show the other boy the damage it had suffered, the book, in this case, was a graphic novel adaptation of a new hope.

"That's Star Wars, right? You know, I never actually seen any of the movies".

Peter looked at him as if he had grown a third arm on his head
"Really, not even the new ones?!"

Ben only shrugged.
"Aren't the first ones really, really, old movies?" He questioned as he started getting up from the floor.

"Yeah, but they're also really fun...Anyway, thanks for helping me..."
Peter said with a small smile, as he finished getting everything back to its place.

"Your welcome".
Ben replied as he sat back in his spot shivering.

" want a cookie?"
He offered, as he opened the wooden trunk, that was on the feet of his bed and pulled out a packet of Oreos.

"Yeah, thanks, I love those! Especially with peanut butter."

Peter didn't break eye contact with Ben, as he slowly pulled out a jar of peanut butter.

"Me too".
He said in a loud whisper.

"Finally someone who understands! You should see how my Pops and uncles look at me when I eat them, you would think I was eating a bug or something."

"Well, in that case, Hakuna Matata"

He laughed at the reference. And got up from his spot, that's when he noticed a picture on the ground, they must have missed. He picked it up getting a good look at it, before giving it back. In the picture, a younger version of Peter was on a beach, alongside a woman, she had long ginger-hair and was wearing a huge pair of sunglasses, the woman was smiling, her focus was on Peter instead of the camera, next to her was a heavier man, with raven hair, who had his hand around the woman's waist and a big smile on his face.

"Here you missed one,"
He stretched out his arm so Peter could take the photo.

"Are they your parents?"
Peter tilted his head, confused by the question. He was in the middle of opening the jar, so he had to put it aside, he licked the peanut butter off his fingertips then cleaned his hand on his shirt, so he wouldn't get the picture dirty.

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