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~Nine and a half years ago~

"Well, look what I found here, a little cutie pie for me to take,"
Maria said in a baby voice, as she looked down at her grandchild, who was safely on the floor, on top of his baby mat and underneath his arch.
"Anthony, you really shouldn't leave him on the ground, he could get a flat head".

Tony took a deep breath as he heard her from the nursery. if he had a dollar for every time his mother acted like a backseat parent, well, Howard couldn't use his favorite threat, of disowning him, that he'd joyously use the few times that they would see each other.
"Mom, as I explained, for the 8th time in the last five minutes, he isn't there all day, I had to change Peter, but Ben gets overprotective and refuses to let his little brother out of his sight. And as you can see, I don't have four arms so this is the best solution, for my child not to cry." He finished getting him into a clean onesie."Grandma is driving, daddy insane." He said in an irritated, baby voice. "Plus, he likes it there".

"Young man, don't use that tone with me!"

She scolded her son before kneeling and smiling, giving her full attention to her grandchild. "Well, I'm sure he would prefer, his grandmother."

Ben only proved her right, by reaching out for her, laughing as she picked him up. Maria gently rocked him in her arms, as she started to sing.

"Mi bambino, a prince with chocolate eyes so curious and wide courtesy of dad, chubby cheeks and rosy lips that come from me, for now in my arms you fit, and I can steal your nose with a pinch, but one day you will grow big, be taller than me, you'll be strong and in my arms no longer fit but to me, you'll always be mi bambino."

Tony recognized the lullaby. It was ridiculously sweet. But it was one of the few tender memories he had. Maybe his mother knew most of his childhood would be deprived of that tenderness. So the few moments that she had control over, she would make exceptionally sweet. As he walked out of the nursery with his baby in hand, he smiled at his mother while she continued to sing. Despite everything, he was glad that she was here, he was at a point in his life where his secretary cared for his wellbeing more than his actual father. With both his husband and Rhodey overseas, most days he would spend alone. So, it was nice when she could sneak in these rare visits, but he didn't tell her, he knew, she knew that he was grateful.


Ben wasn't sure when exactly he let go of his dad. But when he finally did, he felt like he had just run a marathon. Tired, but at the same time filled with energy, he was even sweating a bit. He wanted to talk to his dad more, But Pepper started talking to him about meetings, and other stuff, that sounded important. He wasnt comftrable interrupting.

He looked out the window to distract himself. He had only been out of the city two times in his life, and he had to admit the view was stunning, Malibu was like something out of a movie. Bright and beautiful ,but despite the glamour, he would pick his city in a heartbeat. He felt his shoulders tense at the thought of home. Right now, Brooklyn seem like it was worlds away.

Ben turned to his dad. Much like the city themselves, his pops and dad seemed like day and night. He tried picturing them together as the much bigger adults they were now, instead of the version of the teared-up picture. But as hard as he tried, everything his mind came up with was ridiculous. Like his pops in a limo or his dad going grocery shopping, it seemed almost funny. His eyes lingered on his dad for a bit more before giving up and going back to the window.
Maybe the problem was that he didn't know him that well. All he really had of him, was an old picture and blurry memories, he never really gave a personality to the man in the photo.
Ben could make up an entire backstory for a stranger in the street, but when it came to his dad he couldn't figure anything out. His mind just landed on blanks, when he thought of him, he was always his other dad, his other dad who played piano, his other dad who had to leave, and who he desperately wanted to meet. And now that he was here, it was more like meeting an important celebrity instead of meeting his father. Peter had warned him about his dad's icy exterior, but assured him that it wasn't real. So Ben just had to get to know him better, but he wasn't sure where to start.

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