Operation: Beware the Widow

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 "Hold on!"

Peter put the phone in his mouth and got up to try to get whatever was under him when he managed to get it, it turned out to be a shoe, he threw it to the other side of the closet and sat back down.

"Okay, back, what were you saying?"

"The better question is what were you doing?"

" I was moving stuff around, your closet isn't exactly the most comfortable spot in the world"

" Why are you in my closet?"

"So pops can't hear me, duh, or Do you want us to get caught?"

"You have a point" Ben looked around the room, right now he happened to be sitting in the bathtub of Peter's bathroom for that very reason.

"Third night of the mission, anything to report".

"You sound so serious, but yeah apparently Howard introduce them. A few months later they got married, how about you?"

"They were married three years, then divorce, he said it was because they were are away from each other, which I don't get if they don't like being apart why did they divorce? Grown-ups are weird".

"Couldn't have said it better myself Benny, also are you okay?". Peter asked worried for his brother remembering the strings of texts he had gotten the other day.

"I'm fine now, I talked to dad and felt way better". He replied with a cheery tone.

"That's good to hear little bro, told you, dad is awesome " He yawned "In between the sentence." I think we can move to the second part of the mission we.." His voice became softer and sounded drowsy ."We... just need to focus".

"How do you know I'm the youngest? according to Jarvis, I'm the tall twin, and yeah he is, he even said we could work on this go-kart together " This time Ben was the worried one, he knew that time differences could mess with you "Hey, Pete, what time is it over there?"

"So, this is what betrayal feels like?" he let out yet another yawn "oh, that's cool we always do stuff like that and...um almost midnight?"

"And you're still up?"

"Yeah, but it's like 8 for me, I have an hour before bedtime".He wiggled around the closet trying to get comfortable.

"But still, the time difference can be a pain, the few first days of camp, I collapsed the second I saw my bed and it happened again yesterday, I took a long nap when I got here". He laid down on the tub.

"Don't worry, I got this...now...you said something about a note?". He tucked the phone between his shoulder and ear and rested his head on the wall.

"If you say so, it was just one line and it was something like for the man who has everything or something like that, I don't remember the exact words but the note said T.Stone"

Peter paused, trying to see if that ran any belles but nothing came to mind.

" T.Stone? honestly, I don't know, could be anyone or thing like a company, dad gets lots of stuff like that but he always throws it away, what was it?"

"I don't think it was from a company, it was a photo frame with two pictures, one was of him and his dad when he was little and the other one was of him and you"

"Are you sure, dad is very protective over my picture, this is so weird"

"I'm sure but don't worry I'll keep an eye out, okay? "

"Yeah...yeah...that's great...B-"

¨I'll just rest my eyes for a second...So, not going to sleep ¨ He thought to himself as he closed them, still trying to stay awake, concentrating on his brother's voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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