"I love you."

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{BEFORE WE START- I am extremely sorry for the long wait! I've been really busy lately, and with this whole net neutrality stuff everything's been 10x more complicated, but I'm going to try and post more parts!}

I woke up, the sun shining bright through the pale curtains. For a moment everything was peaceful, and perfect. And then back to reality I went. Sam was on the phone in the kitchen.

"Kat, where are you." He said with a serious tone. Strange, Sam is NEVER serious. I peeked into the kitchen, he must've been incredibly mad because he looked like he could just about flip a table.
"KAT." He lowered his voice. "Explain... just explain please. I care about this relationship. You're really telling me that.. that you only loved me for the views? This whole time you've been-" I heard him take a long breath. "Have fun with him Kat. Cause we're over. Get out of my house, NOW." And like that the call ended. And so did their relation ship, I just couldn't exactly wrap my finger around it. I walked into the kitchen with my hands in my pockets.
"You okay dude?" Sam looked up at me with tears slowly falling down his cheek. He scowled and took a deep breath.
"Just sick of fake people." He said. At this point I knew I would just make this all worse. I swung my head down.
"I'm sorry sam. I'm a terrible person, and you're my best friend. Nobody will ever replace you and-" I sniffle. "I love you sam. And I can't see you like this."  He wouldn't look up at me. Just kept his head down. I grabbed the seat next to his and sat down.
"Boink." I tapped his nose. Finally, a smile. He looks up and gives me a hug.
"I love you too, colby." Sam smiled.

Heartbroken // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now